I am a writer, but I dabble in other artsy stuff as is witnessed by my gallery...I am on disability for chronic pain and right now my life consists of writing, roleplaying online, reading, music/singing, watching movies, occasionally a few tv shows, and hanging out with friends and family when my pain is down enough to allow any of the aforementioned activities and that's about it. So, yeah, that's me. I'm just glad I can still write at all, because when I can't write it feels like a part of me is dead and that sucks more than being a hermit most of the time for my own survival...Btw, all of my fanfic is on my account on fanfiction.net if you want to check it out in an easier to read format.
Current Residence: Under Your Bed, Training the Dust Bunnies for World Domniation
Favourite genre of music: almost any kind, but I am a rock girl at heart, I think
Favourite photographer: everyone on my list and more I can't remember I'm sure
Favourite style of art: all of it
Operating System: Windows XP Pro
Wallpaper of choice: Remy and Rogue image atm
Favourite cartoon character: Gambit,Goliath,Sesshomaru,Vash,Ichigo,Byakuya,Shunsui,Jirou (BBB),Alucard,Sephiroth,Hyourinmaru
Personal Quote: Automatic doors make me feel like a Jedi