Heart on the Table - Lean on MeLadyLynndis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ladylynndis/art/Heart-on-the-Table-Lean-on-Me-960485086LadyLynndis

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LadyLynndis's avatar

Heart on the Table - Lean on Me



Chapter 7 of the amazing Undertale fanfic Heart on the Table dropped today and don't mind me, I will be laying on the floor for a long time

Read the fanfic here!! archiveofourown.org/works/4599…

(feat. Papyrus' bone pattern pajamas)
Image size
2075x2932px 1.4 MB
Shutter Speed
1/217 second
Focal Length
5 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Apr 30, 2023, 10:11:53 PM
© 2023 - 2025 LadyLynndis
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Floofanflur's avatar

Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Hmmmm. Actually crying over here right now. THis is not an internet exaggeration- you have effectively put very real tears in my eyes and my heart is kind of stuttering. Which is. Probably not good, but my fitbit says I'm fine, so. I WAS NOT EXEPECTING THIS. Maybe I should have been. But like. I WAS NOT PREPARED EMOTIONALLY TO SEE THIS. I WAS NOT. I AM STILL ACTUALLY CRYING OMG. I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU KEEP DOING THIS BUT THIS PICTURE WAS A GUT PUNCH I WAS NOT EXPECTING IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE.

Okay yep. Had to step away from the keyboard to calm myself down. I'm back now though.

Okay. I am a grown-ass adult and I will freely admit that I sent this to both my mother and my younger sibling the second I calmed down enough to function.

PAPYRUS'S EXPRESSION! THE TEARS!! THE WAY THEY ARE HOLDING ON TO EACH OTHER SO TIGHTLY!!!! Okay. Okay. Deeeeeep breaths. I'm taking deeeeeep breaths. Now I'M going to be laying on the floor for a long time. A very long time. I don't know if I'll ever emotionally recover from this. Oh fudge, my heart. MY HEARTTTT!!! And and and and and the title. The TITLE!!!! 😭😭😭

You. You are amazing. The best. Fantabulous. Superb. Awesome. Every other positive adjective out there that I cannot think of right now. You even got Papyrus's bone pajamas 😭 😭😭Okay yeppppp fudging fudge. I am repeating myself because my brain is still rebooting.

I literally cannot thank you enough for this amazing art. I don't- I just- AHHHHHHHH!!!! This scene just meant. Like. SO much to me when I was writing it, and to see it drawn out like this???? With SUCH AMAZING ART??? I don't think I have the words to describe what you've done to me.

ANd also from a technical standpoint this piece is just like SO AMAZING. The expression on Papyrus's face, the proportions, the poses, the way you draw fabric and clothing.

Thank you. Thank you SO MUCH OMG. Now don't mind me, I need to go grab some tissues and curl up on the floor in a ball.