Castle Towerladylithia on DeviantArt

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ladylithia's avatar

Castle Tower



I used the following:… for the window 
and a couple of brick patterns (I'll have to find the links)... I didn't expect to actually post anything so I wasn't saving my links. But I'll find them. 

If you see your bricks (three different patterns used) and I have't credited you please let me know. I just felt like it was worth sharing with others. Because it just *worked* in a way I didn't expect. 

The main tower uses the brick by ShadowH3…

The mossy bricks at the bottom are from:…

The bricks at the very top edge - I'm not sure if I have the link, but if your bricks were used please let me know. Again, it was one of those things that sort of came together so well, I wanted to share it with anyone who wanted to use the tower. If you do use it, please link back and do not use my tower in your own offering of stock images please. I made it mostly because I'm trying to create a palace/castle and have been learning how to make the towers in GIMP and suddenly, it just came together the way I wanted. 

Thanks to everyone here at DA -- I couldn't do my art without so many awesome resources. 
Image size
2616x5356px 17.23 MB
© 2018 - 2025 ladylithia
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PS I know that most folks can create this in a variety of programs, but I don't know how to do that, nor do I have the software.