Jasper Noelladyfoxmock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ladyfoxmock/art/Jasper-Noel-888184009ladyfoxmock

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Jasper Noel



I just felt like posting a picture of one of my Original Characters from one of my original cartoons. This one's from "Pirate Cats." And she is the main character. Here's some info.

Name: Jasper Noel

Age: 2 yrs (human years) 16-24 yrs (cat years)

Gender:  Female

Breed:  Bangel (mix)

Occupation: Pirate

Likes:  Treasure, Valuables/Tradables, Adventure, the Sea, Money, Gold, Hammocks, Rum

Dislikes: sappy-talk, reading, Doug Columbus (rival), following rules,

Personality: Adventurous, Mischievous, Ambitious, Smart, Skeptical, Witty,

More Info: Jasper is a young feline pirate with ambition and big dreams. This adventure-loving, gold-snatching, rum drinking cat seeks the very thing every pirate can only wish to find: Riches! As skeptical as she is, Jasper believes she has found some of the pieces to finding the legendary treasure that is said to be hidden somewhere, around the seven seas. And Jasper must keep the sign of possible booty and the map that she must solve away from the eyes of her other crew mates (excluding her sister, Edith), including her father who also happens to be the Captain. And further more, she must race to find it against her rival/enemy, Douglas Columbus, an expedition-ist/ resource supplier dog who also knows of the treasures existence. But with her wits, no one can out smart this courageous kitty and with her confidence and determination, nothing will stop her from achieving her goals. And with a cat like her, you can't find a more mischievous and excellent Pirate!

I have more pictures of Jasper if you wanna see them. Maybe I'll post more some time. But in the meantime, here you go.

Jasper Noel is from one of my original cartoons, this one being "Pirate Cats."

Jasper and "Pirate Cats" is created by me, ladyfoxMOCK
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© 2021 - 2025 ladyfoxmock
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