+HP+ . At the TheatreLadyBelial on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ladybelial/art/HP-At-the-Theatre-90618822LadyBelial

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+HP+ . At the Theatre



[07 June 2008]

Big Bang, Baby goes live! *hands in the air*

And it's a thing of beauty! :heart: I have so much love for all the writers and my fellow artists-- believe me, there is some seriously, seriously brilliant stuff in there. I was so glad to (and in no small measure intimidated by) become a part of the team for the final bang! :D Love, cookies and BIG BIG THANKS go to Aja, Shaggy and Reena for pulling it all off. Man that can't have been easy. :heart:


"What's with all the weird spots all over my face?" Ron says. "I look like a dirty bum!"

Unfortunately for Ron, apparently freckled opera singers did not exist. To compensate, this one had large dots of brown stage-makeup as a substitute, looking as if he had stuck his finger in chocolate and then poked all over his own cheeks and nose.

"You don't look that dirty," Hermione informs him kindly.

"I actually think it looks more like a disease," Harry supplies helpfully, and Draco laughs.

WARNING: This fic contains depictions of sexual dynamics that many readers may find extremely disturbing and traumatic.

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© 2008 - 2025 LadyBelial
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Karbear-31's avatar
nice pic, like the looks on ron and hermiones faces