Jushiro X OCLady1Venus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lady1venus/art/Jushiro-X-OC-545053231Lady1Venus

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Lady1Venus's avatar

Jushiro X OC




1. Credit me and the original base owner gerula25 
2. Image is free to use
3. Link back, I'd like to see your work
4. Spend time on this! Do not just draw without thought first! It'll really add to your artwork
5. Also, link back to the other base creator too, they want to see your work!
6. No frankendolling!
7. No bashing
8. You may change anything you'd like

I didn't add shading to the rest because shading is something I'm still learning. This is my third collab base edit. For this only being my third one, I think I have done pretty good, considering I've never done them before. Damn! I think I did really well on Jushiro

Original base: Kiss base by gerula25

Jushiro (c) Tite Kubo
Base (c) gerula25 
Image size
402x567px 10.15 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Lady1Venus
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SpiritAmong-Darkness's avatar
You did an amazing job on his hair :tinyhappyclapwithbounce: +plz Looks very accurate

Sasha's gonna have a good time ;P lol! Joke