You're like a son to me...Lady-Owl on DeviantArt

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Lady-Owl's avatar

You're like a son to me...



Soft Shaded illustration of Ratchet and Raf Esquivel from the Transformers Prime series, commissioned by my good friend, :iconpraxcrown5:

This was certainly a challenge, as Cybertronians are a challenge in themselves, but Prax likes to turn it up a notch by requesting internals of Cybertronians, which is a whole nother level of hurt. :icontfpmikoplz:

She did alleviate some of that pressure by providing me with an extremely awesome detailed layout of how she enivisons Ratchet's internals, that you can see here:
Visible Cybertronian by praxcrown5

Along with plenty of artistic freedom to adjust things as needed, cause gosh darn have I told you how complicated Transformers are? Let me give you an example: I'm anal as hell about details and accuracies. I don't wing shit unless I'm fed up and desperate, or it's intentionally intended to be simplified, so I studied this guy for hours. Hours. I'm used to only drawing Transformers for myself or for Falcon, and it's obviously easier to put that kind of time and effort into something when you yourself are passionate about it, so it's quite a lot to keep that spirit and dedication up for a commission, let me tell you.


But in all seriousness, Prax is absolutely wonderful, I can't even express that enough and having the opportunity to work on this for her is a real honor and I'm really grateful to include this in my gallery, not only because of the meaning behind it, or even how happy I am with how it turned out, but just because Transformers Prime was such a wonderful series and a favorite and I love drawing these characters.

When I get around to it, I took several screen caps of the layering I decided to use for this piece that I'll try and upload either on tumblr and/or deviantART, too as soon as I can. For now, back to commissions!

(please no critiques on commissions, thank you!)

My Commission Queue + Info

Materials: Pencil on 8.5x11 Paper, scanned and colored in PS 5.0 (1998) with a Wacom Intuos5 touch tablet

Art © Lady-Owl 2014  | Ratchet and Raf © Hasbro | Please do not redistribute, claim, copy, reproduce, edit, or use in any way without my and the commissioner's permission. Thank you.
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1400x1021px 284.31 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Lady-Owl
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