WIPs - Mewtwo and Nurse JoyLady-Owl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lady-owl/art/WIPs-Mewtwo-and-Nurse-Joy-932851210Lady-Owl

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WIPs - Mewtwo and Nurse Joy



Second batch of WIPs, this time featuring Mewtwo and Nurse Joy to show the progress for the comic adaptation of H-Falcon 's "The Joy of Joy" fanfic.

I’m still working on this project and I’m planning to finally start sharing content from it soon! And hopefully these WIPs can express why it’s taking me so long…

I wanted to really bring H-Falcon’s story to life and a lot of planning, design work and interior perspective drawings (100% hand drawn from scratch, no 3D assets were used) has been the biggest reason for the delay. Of course, many breaks so I wouldn’t get burnt out, either.

Along with trying my best to draw the original Pokemon art style from the late 90′s which, was waaaaay outside my usual comfort zone. It took a lot of study and practice to feel more comfortable with the style since I hadn’t even drawn anything anime related in years.

I’m excited to finally start sharing and I hope the content will have been worth the wait for those that are interested! 🙏

As with the previous WIP submission, these WIPs have all been shared previously on my Twitter and Tumblr pages throughout the year, so if you're interested in seeing stuff like this from me more often, please check out the links to my other socials below!

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Aeon-Silence's avatar

So, you are really planning on making a comic out of the fanfic Joy of Joy?