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    Lord Shen and the Soothsayer from Kung Fu Panda 2.

    This is actually my second Lord Shen drawing, but because it was a smaller project, I was able to finish it before the other one (which I haven't completed yet).

    If you read my journal, you already know how I feel about Lord Shen, but I also liked the Soothsayer a lot, too. I think the characters in the second film were extremely rich, which is why I can easily look past the Furious Five taking a back seat.

    It's hard to choose just one scene as a favorite, but this one stood out to me the most for emotion and character. There is something very intense about seeing a villain in awe; seeing them truly passionate about something. It does more than pull them away from being seen as something evil, and instead, as realistic and human as the good guys, but even beyond that, to something deeper. What I really appreciated about Shen, was that he didn't really feel like a villain at all; I felt a lot of sympathy for his character. I see and feel that same way about the Prophets from Halo. If you step back and see the bigger picture.

Related Work:

Smooth Bristol 9x12
Prismacolor Markers
Premier and Verithin Prismacolor Colored Pencils
Sakara Micron Pens
White Gelly Roll pen & White Uni-ball Signo

Lord Shen, Soothsayer, Kung Fu Panda © Dreamworks | Art © Lady Owl 2012 | Tumblr
Image size
1504x954px 238.44 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Lady-Owl
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