NO COMMISSION REQUESTS, PLEASE! I would love to do commissions, but I simply don't have the time to take them on.
"I hate the terms low end and high end, they're all just tools, some are better at certain tasks than others. I see all of us artists as one big community, regardless of what software we choose to use or what sort of job we have." Pixars-Neil Blevins: April, 2013"
Please Note: My images are thoughtfully designed to represent my roleplaying characters. They are not to be used as signatures, forum avatars, or in any other way to represent someone who is not myself or the owner of other named/commissioned characters. Ask before you use.
You are not authorized to use any items contained in my gallery on websites, layouts, blogs, Myspace, Facebook, banners, designs, posters, CDs, CD covers, books, forum avatars, or for any other use without my express permission.
Useful, constructive criticism of my work is always welcome.