Broken ClocksLady-DreamSoul on DeviantArt

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Broken Clocks



A few years ago I was diagnosed with a condition known as MRKH. This diagnosis made me aware that I will never be able to carry children of my own. It has taken me quite awhile to come to terms with this truth. This tattoo, which was drawn and done by the lovely woman who has tattooed me multiple times, Lacey, was inspired by a song by S.J. Tucker, entitled Not the Villain. The reason that I chose to put this on my body is the quote makes me think of the 'biological clock'. Something, that for me, is broken. The imagery and quote for me symbolize the pain that I have felt because of this condition, and my moving forward to not allow this to hurt me anymore. 
MRKH is a condition that affects around 1 in 5000 genetically female individuals, and is present from birth. The condition is marked by the partial or complete absence of the uterus and often a shortened vaginal canal. For more information on MRKH please go to
In my specific case, I am entirely missing my uterus, fallopian tubes, and have a significantly shortened vaginal canal. There is a strong possibility that some of my other health concerns are linked to this condition.
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540x960px 78.16 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Lady-DreamSoul
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glasslinger's avatar
A very cool piece!..