LoX : Wreathelackless on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lackless/art/LoX-Wreathe-300400590lackless

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LoX : Wreathe




I'll add more stuff to her char sheet later ORZZ ORZ NO TIME LATELY /sob

[N]ame: Wreathe (pronounced like Reese)

[C]ode #: 860

[G]ender: Female

[A]ge: 19 (biological age : 13)

[S]pecies: Half-android

[H]eight: 5 ft 3 in

- Gatling gun

[B]ad habit:
- NONE of the tact. None of it.
- Has a tendency to tidy up after other people's stuff. She doesn't know where it goes? IT GOES WHERE SHE PUTS IT DAMNIT.
- Uses large and overdescriptive words that may be inappropriate or may have a much more commonly-used, better fitting synonym.

- Used to be employed as a bodyguard/companion for a guy around the same physical age as her, who was hospitalised. She ended up picking up the same personality type as him.
- Leery of physical affection and shows of affection in general.
- Easily impressed by nature
- Very tidy person
- Enjoys meddling in the affairs of her friends
- Height complex
- More comfortable around males than females

+ Lipstick
+ Grilled fish
+ Sudoku

- Hospitals
- Physical contact from people she doesn't know too well
- Red meat
- Corny jokes

- Her blood is orange. She blushes an orange colour u__u
- Able to do complex maths problems in her head
- Can't recognise herself in a mirror (she can see others though.) If something's wrong with her clothes or makeup, she can't fix it by looking at her reflection...
- Physically strong and agile but isn't fast. Easily confused by fast things
- Can't drink alcohol

UH HEY GUYS alskjalkj IDK what I'm doing in this group omg weeps

I-I have no idea where we RP for LoX but I'd love to RP with people if you guys actually do that...? WEEEP
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TinabunsSweettooth's avatar
Her detail is beautiful! Neko Girl-13 (Fangirling Sparkles) [V1]