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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (35)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio

Just my cosplay account, my account for everything else is :iconpsychseer13:

Hey guys!!! It's been so long since I've made any sort of a journal entry like this! Does anyone even still use this thing? Well anyway. A lot of things have happened in a short time! Last January I got engaged! And then in June my fiance, aunt and I all ended up moving to Florida of all places! It's been crazy and so hectic! But with the new move, we've had a whole SLEW of new conventions opened up to us! Like it's insane! I went from attending two conventions a year, to suddenly I'm attending like nine this year! This is so crazy! I also am now part of Sailor Moon cosplay group now; Sailor Scouts of Jacksonville!!! Anyway, so with so man...
anonymous's avatar
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I'm so sorry I've been mostly quiet lately. For the past month and a half my girlfriend was here, and since we only get to see each other generally once a year; her living over 1000+ miles away; I wanted to spend the majority of my time with her, instead of editing photos from the shoots we'd done during her last visit back in April for my birthday.  However, she left today; sadly; and that means I can now get back into really trying to edit everything since I'm not trying to haul ass and make a bunch of props for costumes that have a month deadline; my entire May-June was comprised of trying to make swords and trim for Thorin's costume. I...
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Halloween time~

0 min read
Hey babies! Story time! So by now I'm sure you've all noticed I absolutely adore Halloween. Well there's a reason. When I was younger I was treated like an outcast. I moved to a small town in Oklahoma from California, and my classmates had all gone through kindergarten together, so they'd been together since the beginning. I had one friend, and other than that I was on my own. I was always different, I loved playing with makeup, and scary movies, and things like that. Halloween was the one time of the year I could fit in. And it stuck. Through the years Halloween became more and more important to me, and my best friend and I did everything...
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Profile Comments 76

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gpsc's avatar
happy birthday!
Labyrinthinwyrm's avatar
Thank you so much!!
DBRanger09's avatar
Welcome to the :iconsmooniesunited:group! :D
giusynuno's avatar
Thank you so much for faving!! It means the world to me:heart:
HitlerKiller66's avatar
Omg your cosplay . Mah favorite.
Anchimaru's avatar
Thanks so much for the watch. ^_^