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Parents: Fluttershy and Discord
Name: Alydia
Nickname: Ally, Liddy, Dove (only discord can call her this)
Age: 18
- older sis of Noah and Jinx
- Alydia is the typical older sis protecting her siblings and being the responsible one
- very observant and aware of other ponies on how they feel or what their thinking
- never worries or stresses and rarely loses temper
- even though she seems well structured, she has semi-low self-esteem (thinks there is much expected from her)
- most powerful magic out of the three
- her gift is dreams, she would have visits of dead family members such as her older sister and Discords mother, this is also how she found out about Black Diamonds existence
- her dreams bring messages but this is not her talent
- she has the same abilities as her father, but because of her personality Alydia rarely uses them
- Black Diamond is her bestie and secret lover
Name: Noah
Nickname: Nikko, Wallflower
Age: 10
- middle child
- softest, sweetest boy you’ll meet but shy even as an adult
- he was born without vocal cords so he’s mute
- even though he has one front claw he learned sign language from his griffin teacher
- REALLY good listener (he’ll literally listen to you rant for hours)
- he doesn’t mind not being able to talk because he can communicate in his own unique way
- he has a pet green tree python named Noodle
- can communicate very well with animals just like Flutters (remember he’s a good listener)
- laying down with a cup of tea and a good book next to the cozy fire with his mama is an ideal day
- Noah loves his father but never really liked his rough games with Liddy and Jinx so he stuck with mama flutters
- has a little crush on HoneyCrisp
Name: Jinx
Nickname: Jay, JJ (definite black eye if you call him this)
Age: 5 (this is supposed to be his age in the current AU but I drew him older to bring out his features)
- youngest chaos child
- disappointment of the family
- he was born with absolutely no magic
- jealous of his older siblings for “sucking up all the magic” but doesn’t really show it
- Flutters tries to assure him he can do great things without magic (leads to street fighting)
- Jinx finds out early in life that he’s a good fighter, he almost always comes home with some kind of injury weather big or small, no matter how much he would try to hide it mother would always know
- his fighting worries his mother to death and Discord is never too happy about that
- even though he’s a rough fighter he’s not a bully, he leaves the fights for the real jerks
- he doesn’t really have any friends (he’d always beat them up in the end)
made all these sheets in 23 but never got around into making the bios so I’m gonna be posting all of them shortly
hope you like me babies
comments and likes are appreciated
Name: Alydia
Nickname: Ally, Liddy, Dove (only discord can call her this)
Age: 18
- older sis of Noah and Jinx
- Alydia is the typical older sis protecting her siblings and being the responsible one
- very observant and aware of other ponies on how they feel or what their thinking
- never worries or stresses and rarely loses temper
- even though she seems well structured, she has semi-low self-esteem (thinks there is much expected from her)
- most powerful magic out of the three
- her gift is dreams, she would have visits of dead family members such as her older sister and Discords mother, this is also how she found out about Black Diamonds existence
- her dreams bring messages but this is not her talent
- she has the same abilities as her father, but because of her personality Alydia rarely uses them
- Black Diamond is her bestie and secret lover
Name: Noah
Nickname: Nikko, Wallflower
Age: 10
- middle child
- softest, sweetest boy you’ll meet but shy even as an adult
- he was born without vocal cords so he’s mute
- even though he has one front claw he learned sign language from his griffin teacher
- REALLY good listener (he’ll literally listen to you rant for hours)
- he doesn’t mind not being able to talk because he can communicate in his own unique way
- he has a pet green tree python named Noodle
- can communicate very well with animals just like Flutters (remember he’s a good listener)
- laying down with a cup of tea and a good book next to the cozy fire with his mama is an ideal day
- Noah loves his father but never really liked his rough games with Liddy and Jinx so he stuck with mama flutters
- has a little crush on HoneyCrisp
Name: Jinx
Nickname: Jay, JJ (definite black eye if you call him this)
Age: 5 (this is supposed to be his age in the current AU but I drew him older to bring out his features)
- youngest chaos child
- disappointment of the family
- he was born with absolutely no magic
- jealous of his older siblings for “sucking up all the magic” but doesn’t really show it
- Flutters tries to assure him he can do great things without magic (leads to street fighting)
- Jinx finds out early in life that he’s a good fighter, he almost always comes home with some kind of injury weather big or small, no matter how much he would try to hide it mother would always know
- his fighting worries his mother to death and Discord is never too happy about that
- even though he’s a rough fighter he’s not a bully, he leaves the fights for the real jerks
- he doesn’t really have any friends (he’d always beat them up in the end)
made all these sheets in 23 but never got around into making the bios so I’m gonna be posting all of them shortly
hope you like me babies
comments and likes are appreciated
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3840x2160px 4.67 MB
© 2024 - 2025 LaBrony12
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