la-voisin's avatar


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I recently had the privilege of working on some cover art for a debut novel for the German author, Nathan C Marus. The book Die Träne des Fressers: Weiße Königin   (The Tear of the Eater: White Queen) is now avaible for purchase at… . The novel is currently only in German, but an English translation is planned for next year. So for all my German follows who enjoy immersive, dark fantasy stories, check it out! You can also get updates and freebies from the author on the official Facebook pageän…  (The hyperlink is not wanting to work, so just cut and paste for now).

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If it wasn't for all the amazing stock artists here, photomaniuplation would be impossible. The stock here is vaired, high quality and the stockers are very good to work. They need protetction from those who would abuse their stock and their rules.

A Petition to the Admins Please help to prevent Art and Stock Theft on DA! Together  We  Can  Be  Successful! Read & Sign our Petition We call for: OUR Goal: 1,000 Signatures! Please feel free to share your thoughts too. Thank you!

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I have been super busy lately with my job, plus some personal stuff. I am still making art (its the only thing that keeps my sane right now) I am still here and appreiciate all the faves, comments and likes. Know that I may not be able to respond as quickly as I would like. But know that I appreiciate you all so much. I hope to catch up soon!
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I have posted quite a few things about my art and the projects I have been working on on my personal FB page for a while now. So I have created a separate page just for my art. I will post some of things here as well as new work, prizes and more. I'm always open for commissions. So please, check me out and give me a like on FB at…. Hug 

Skin by Ninelyn
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  1. How long have you been on DeviantArt? 2 years

  2. What does your username mean? La Voisin was a fortune teller/witch/bad girl in 17th century Paris

  3. Describe yourself in three words. determined, passionate, snarky

  4. Are you left or right handed? right

  5. What was your first deviation? A not so hot sketch Elizabeth Woodville - The White Queen by la-voisin

  6. What is your favourite type of art to create? photomanipulations

  7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be? drawing, sculpting

  8. What was your first favourite? Still one of my faves Marie Antoinette by Libellula

  9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most? photomaip

  10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist? That is hard, honestly there are so many it doesn't feel right to choose but three that come to mind are

  11. :iconsonjagatetodreamsart:

  12. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be? :iconmom-espeace:   :icontris-marie:

  13. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life? Honestly everyone I have come into contact with has been very supportive and encouraging. I spend more time here than on Facebook

  14. What are your preferred tools to create art? Photoshop, Bamboo Tablet

  15. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art? Everywhere!! probably in bed right before i go to sleep

  16. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory? When the lovely :icontris-marie: purchased a print of a manip I created from her stock.

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New novel released featuring my cover art! by la-voisin, journal

Please read sign by la-voisin, journal

Check me out on Facebook by la-voisin, journal

DeviantArtist Questionnaire by la-voisin, journal

Lovely locks and tempting tresses.... by la-voisin, journal