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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Mar 16
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (34)
My Bio

I don't update so much. And it's never really past little misc' doodles and sketches, really. But I'd like to change this soon. Sooo.. I will.

Favourite Movies
Aliens movies, the first four. Um.."sentimental indie junk". Lots of Disney. B stuff like Army of Darkness and Little Shop of Horrors. Dang, more on these later.
Favourite TV Shows
Dead Like Me, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, Heroes. Work of Art, Face Off, ANTM, Chopped.. LOTS of cartoons, some anime.. and then if nothings on, Top Gear and stand up comedy.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Really anything, recently. Ah, some random ones.. Placebo, Nightwish, Garbage, Lady Gaga, Girl Talk, soundtracks and musicals, Folk songs, J-rock, and all the gems my cousins knew of way before uncool me. ;P
Favourite Books
Forgotten Realms books (Drizzt, Elminster, etc.), Harry Potter series, Good Omens, Speak, Alice in Wonderland, Oliver Twist, Goosebumps, Dragon's Bait, The Giver.. and several more I can't think of right now. Oh, and many much manga and some comics.
Favourite Games
I don't play alot of vidja gaems but some obsessions/"tried and liked"s include FF9, WoW, Doom 2, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, misc. indie games. Video games aside.. there's DnD, Pictionary, Scattergories, OutBurst, Trivial Pursuit an' some card games
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, N64, a computer. I don't really want an Xbox360, but I wanna live with a friend who has one. ..and I want my own damn DS.
Tools of the Trade
pencils, marker pens, ball point pens, prismacolor pencils, and a tablet. I'm learning how to.. try not to tame watercolors, haha.
Other Interests
I write ALOT. I didn't realize just how much, but it's indesputable. So.. writting. Animals and food. Brainstorming and collecting stickers. ..It switches up.
Journal entry. Woah. But I felt inspired..  I've read alot of opinions on what art was, and some theories over the course of.. I dunno, stumbling on the subject. And truth rings in what I've read.. when people discuss pictures lacking creativity, or being mainstream, or focused on stuff that stunts their growth.. and I find myself agreeing. While I don't really "RAAEEG" at pictures, I do get irritated at stuff I see, here on Deviantart and elsewhere.  But it also reminds me to consider the core of what art is.   I believe 'art', by definition, is taking reality and filtering it through your own means to create something else. And really, t...
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I was actually logging on to clean out some entries- but apparently there's none here. I'm not sure if it's an error on the site or the comp I'm using, but...huh. I'm glad I wasn't an avid journal maker, lol. I wonder what happened though?
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Profile Comments 341

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JSHaseo's avatar
:iconcelestiaderpplz: "Yay, I found your profile. You have a fantastic gallery, by the way I pinned up the flyer up on my cork board ^-^. "
MelissaMei's avatar
Hey, Suzanne! Its Emy the asian girl who you meet at omegle. Your drawing is awesome, and my portrait was so cute. I`m happy i could find you here.
Kyun-Kun's avatar
Hey there! When I get a chance, I'm going to post up the drawings from Omegle. I'll let you know when I do- and I'm glad you liked it. :)
MisterHumble's avatar
I keep trying to give you a llama but apparently you're a bad refferer or something. So instead I will draw you one.
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
Kyun-Kun's avatar
Aww, cute. Thanks!

To be honest after all this time, I still done know how the llama system works. heh
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CrypticManifestation's avatar
SimmotoSyoshiko's avatar
thanks for the fave