Dinosaur digiskyuketsuki45 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kyuketsuki45/art/Dinosaur-digis-169756290kyuketsuki45

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kyuketsuki45's avatar

Dinosaur digis



In keeping with tradition, the digimon the go with the crest of courage are fire type dinos :D These belong to Sanrius~! And in case anyone is equally nedy and challenges me, yes, I know there's already a spinosaurus digimon called spinomon, and I also know that dimetrodons were quadrupeds, but you see I was quite out of ideas for names and it fit well enough.
Also I went a bit geeky on the name of the dragoon-ish mega. First person to figure out where it's from gets a cookie...Liei doesn't count.

Surimon, Sauromon, Iguanamon, Chlamydomon, Dimetromon and Garrethmon are mine.
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873x1200px 222.06 KB
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vasix's avatar
Garrethmon is the ultimate level?