jinx sketchKyorukki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kyorukki/art/jinx-sketch-589032321Kyorukki

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Kyorukki's avatar

jinx sketch



;~~~; still figuring out how to draw hair and skin with correct lighting lol; could definitely have portrayed the character and concept better...
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© 2016 - 2025 Kyorukki
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ninebark's avatar
Nice sketch! You have a good eye for color - the blues, violets and pinks work together really nicely and create a great mood in this piece. If I had to get critical (which I'm counting on you wanting, from your post in my critique thread), I'd say the most effective part of the image for me is the hair and the eyes. The skin, the least. 

Reason for that, is that it seems that the hair is where the brush strokes were the most confident and easy. You can see what direction they went in and where the light and dark strokes went. The skin, on the other hand, feels a bit more worked on and (at times, especially in the neck) overworked. I blame the use of the blur (or liquefy) tool for that. Blur tool always creates a kind of uncertain, muddy look unless used very very carefully. I say let it go and use brushes only.

It's okay when you can see the brush strokes. Then, as you want to get more details, instead of trying to blend different colors with a blend brush or the blur tool, just keep using the brush and keep zooming in to the details. 

Hope this sparks some ideas. Keep drawing!