Kyoju-Hikari's avatar


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The new deviantART muro featuring Redraw! by Heidi, journal

Happy holidays from deviantART! by Heidi, journal

As I Lay Dying ::Lafe's Chap:: by ABFirestar, literature

Thirteen Ways by axa9797, literature

FISH by charliepyro08, literature

Darl Bundren by silver-rain, literature

The First Word by RainLloyd, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • July 12
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (108)
My Bio
In an attempt to simplify the page, something is somewhat achieved.

Hi there! I may or may not come back, we'll see.
I solemnly post here, but I still lurk around. c;

( You may notice that many of my artwork is in storage. I apologize for the inconvenience. )

Favourite Visual Artist
椎名 [Pixiv]
Favourite Movies
Paprika, Speed Racer, Coraline, Inception, The Avengers, Wreck-It Ralph, World War Z, Gravity
Favourite TV Shows
Hetalia, Black Butler, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Paranoia Agent, Attack on Titan, Dangan Ronpa, Adventure Time, Mythbusters, Spongebob ( the old ones... ), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hannibal
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Coldplay, Daft Punk, deadmau5, Owl City, Vocaloid, Katy Perry, Ludovico Einaudi, Olafur Arnalds
Favourite Books
Yotsuba&!, Black Bird, Hiyokoi, The Trumpet of the Swan, The Percy Jackson series, the Hunger Games series, The Outsiders, Walk Two Moons, Of Mice and Men, LORD OF THE FLIES
Favourite Writers
Rick Riordan, Suzanne Collins, Edgar Allan Poe, E. E. Cummings, Sylvia Plath
Favourite Games
Professor Layton series, Super Mario Galaxy/2, Mario Kart, Minecraft, Portal/2, Animal Crossing
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
A mechanical pencil and any drawable surface // A tablet and its pen
Other Interests
Hobbides: Drawing, Making animations, Lazing around, Organizing, Listening to music, Roleplaying, Cosplaying, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing video games // Colors: Neutral Palette, White, Red // Animals: Rabbits, Bears, Tigers, Shiba Inus

Happy Holidays

0 min read
(Though from me personally, Merry Christmas to all!)I had a nice little Christmas-- I stuffed myself with food that my filipino family made it was a freaking buffet and, because it felt weird opening presents if I didn't, I went to church.Here's the things that I got too!:bulletblue: A new Intuos Tablet + Accessories (My original one was a Bamboo Fun that I got two years ago; it got messed up a lot so I am thankful.) :bulletblue: A Christmas mug :bulletblue: Three gift cards xD :bulletblue: New...tupperware. -v-; :bulletblue: The Heroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune since I have to get caught up with the series:bulletblue: iPhone case :bull...
anonymous's avatar
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With finals done, I feel like I can do ANYTHINGoknonotreallybutIfeelsogreatmanyouknow Also heads up I might move accounts. Maybe. I just want to start fresh and all. c:
anonymous's avatar
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Hello! I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving! :heart:There are so many things I could name off for the entire "giving thanks" event, and really it would seem endless. Even if I were to, it would probably be cliche, as us people are very much thankful for very similar things. I suppose I should still do so!I am thankful for::bulletorange: My abilities , that which I've managed to acquire throughout my years. I myself find it impressive that, although I must admit that I may not be the best, I am still proud in what I am able to do. :bulletorange: My accomplishments , which I've somehow done in a way that I've forgotten and do...
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Profile Comments 1.3K

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Devinesouljah's avatar… help bring daisy into main games after being playable in super mario run time to spread the word
jamesgunner123's avatar
...a very happy birthday to you miss...=3
PunkFromMarz's avatar
jamesgunner123's avatar
...the happiest of birthdays to you miss...=3
jamesgunner123's avatar
...happy birthday to you miss...=3
jamesgunner123's avatar
...happy birthday to you miss...=3