Hello I am Kyo Erurikku,I am a big anime addict and manga lover
My fav music is japanese (all genres) but heres a few of them
Gackt,Susumu Hirasawa Dir en grey, Exist trace, Nightmare, Naomi tanizaki, Hound dog, Orange Range, Akeboshi, Pyscho Killer, Acid Black Cherry, Animetal, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Aural Vampire, Bi Kyo Ran, The Blue Hearts, D'espairsRay, Dragon Ash, FLOW, Gallhammer, The Gazette, Cali gari, Concerto moon, Alice nine, Ayabie, girugamesh, Maximum the hormone, D-techno, La Sadies, Dollis mary, Malice Mizer, Phanatasmagoria, L'arc en ciel, Little by little, Unsraw, Nobody knows, Seishun, Tai
I cant name all the animes i enjoy (this list continues as i watch a new series every week) so heres some of them
Berserk (fav) darker than black, to luv ru, aoi no exorist,highschool of the dead,princess princess, princess jellyfish, higurashi,soul eater,Full metal Alchemist,Naruto,rurouni kensin,buso renkinSamurai Champloo Deathnote, Devil may cry, helsing, yugio, Final fantasy's, Kingdom hearts, animatrix, priest, beyblade, Saiyuki reload, Pokemon, Naruto, Teken, Demon city hunter, Discipline, Bleach, Blood, She the ultimate weapon, Tokko, Ghost in the shell, Najica, Speed Graphier, Sky Blue, Witchblade,Mars,Rurouni Kenshin, Kuroshitsuji, gravitation,Hellsing, Akira, the tales of series, magikano, gundam series, Hajime no Ippo, digimon, maria holic, cowboy bebop, clannad, clannad after story, one piece, yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na, astroboy, noir, serial experimental lain, virus buster surge, hot 4 teacher, the immorals, vampire knight, loveless, the garden of sinners, Toaru Majutsu no Index, vampire hunter D,K-ON, Mouse, Elfien lied, trigun, the Studio Ghibli Films,inuyasha and many more
Current Residence: Fenton
Favourite genre of music: Japanese music
Favourite photographer: Me
Favourite style of art: Manga
Wallpaper of choice: Misa or team minato
Favourite cartoon character: to many
Personal Quote: Don't let the one you care the most slip away again