Kyle's Evolution - 2020-2023KyIeDraw on DeviantArt

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Kyle's Evolution - 2020-2023



Every single version of Kyle, that goes back to before i started posting on DA, or even had DA in the first place lol

Middle left is the oldest, so the very first version, although i dont fucking know lol

facts about him below:


Kyle's name was originally Kevin, but soon changed to Kyle 

Kyle is just a hue shift of Boyfriend, then slightly altered in the end.

Kyle has been blonde since the start lmao- if you didnt see that

Kyle had a ring, but, soon removed completely 

Kyle's blue blood idea came from the color of his shoes and hat, after changing his hat and shoe colors, i kept the blue part and made it his blood.

Kyle's hat and shoes are Teal green, not normal green lol but that doesnt fucking matter lmao

Kyle's nickname is recolor/recolor shit, cause thats what he is.

Kyle was slowly made into a furry, he never was one, but i just thought of an idea of him being one, so, hes half animal

Hes gay lmao

Kyle has freckles, even though thats never seen or shown lol

Kyle used to have a mole or some shit but also removed, that facial idea soon came back to me in like 2022 when drawing him, soon making him have freckles

Kyle has anger issues, so he can be an asshole when he doesnt want to be

Kyle can get flustered by girls from time to time, why? cause he had trouble figuring out if he was gay or straight

Kyle has parents.

Kyle's father is very happy for him and supports him, although, Kyle's mother isn't.

Kyle's mother is off somewhere, either due to suicide or just leaving completely.

Kyle had a dog, but soon killed him, the reason why and how is unknown.
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© 2023 - 2025 KyIeDraw
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SkyfnffanAlt's avatar

lmao maybe i should do of those year in review things or whatever you call this only it would be 2022-2023 instead since i’ve only been here for 1 year.