Favourite Visual Artist
Stephen McCranie, Sophism, Snaillords
Favourite Movies
Basically Disney and anything animated
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Killers and pretty much anything from Mr. Suicide Sheep
Favourite Books
Sherlock Holmes books, anything by John Green and various manga and Webtoons. Favorite webtoons include Space Boy, ANNARASUMANARA, and Edith
Favourite Writers
John Green, Rick Riordan, Felix J Palma
Favourite Games
Skyrim, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem
Tools of the Trade
Paper, Pencils, color pencil (Prismacolor) and playing around with Clip Studio
Other Interests
If I am not working, then I mostly read webtoons or manga on my phone or messing with my drawing tablet