Deviation Actions
There is a lot here...the complexity and deviations are well hidden. After the possible immediate sense of complexity, comes the first impression of a planned organization brought on through the use of very few geometrical shapes, which seems repeated in a way that gives rise to the idea of organization. In addition, the feeling of a overhead view which unveils a vertical line from the top of the picture to the bottom aids the sense of cleaning and organization. At this point it is easy to think of an overhead shot of a city. BUT, all of these early feelings and thoughts giveaway to something much deeper when a closer and more thoughtful view of the many parts of this picture are studied. For example, at this point, this closer critical view, shows there has been a vigorous and meticulous attention to building the illusions of depths which now come alive, as do the diffetent angels and directions which exist. Easy questions arise along the way ;for example, instead of an over head view is the view in front of the viewer, like a fuse box on a wall? Or, does the depths, not depth, suggest the piece is many different fragments hanging in air at many different distances from the viewer? If so, the view is at a very precise point, and can only be seen in this way if a model viewer is standing, and viewing in the exact correct place.
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