I love video games like : Pokémon, Sonic, F-Zero , Super Smash Bros. , Megaman and more.
I also love Wrestling characters. I absolutely adore Goldust/Dustin Rhodes , T-BAR/Dominik Dijakovic and LA Knight.
I love to collect plushes, figures , and various other merchandise of what I love.
You can find me on Fur affinity at Teamspike3.
I'm a girl that loves to draw wrestling men and anthro characters . Because I think it looks cool.
I don't mind drawing girls, i really prefer doing the guys more.
I am Asexual and Aromantic. (The action of sex , sexual thoughts and relationships disgusts me extremely much)
The words "sex" and "sexual" always means they are genitals involved for me, so keep that in mind.
People wanthing to do sex to a character/person or to themselves seeing them or wanting the character to do something sexual to them are the most disgusting things in the world.
Genitals disgusts me to death. I would love you to keep your comments not too detailed,,it makes me very uncomfortable. Sexual thoughts repulses me so much . None of my drawing are intended to be sexual.
I don't do requests or commissions.
I'm From Montréal , Québec, Canada so i normaly speak French .
Oui je parle français québécois !
Enjoy my art!
I KNOW YOU!!!! It's nice to see you here on Deviantart!
Yes it is me ! I love wrestling , dinos and Crayzar haha
Hey there.
How's it going with you?
Do you take requests from people for free?
Hi , sorry I don't do request , thank you for being interested in my drawings though!
No problem.
Do you take commissions?
I don't take commissions ,, I'm so sorry!