KurtCobainFans4's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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RocknRoll1968's avatar
For anyone who might be interested... :iconnirvana-slash-lovers:
demonicangelofdeath's avatar
Damn Gato. You say how much you love Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. But you left the group. Some Nirvana fan you are. 
demonicangelofdeath's avatar
Wish I had a chance to see them live. My older cousin went to see them at that concert where Kurt was dressed like Barney the dinosaur.
PoochyPaws's avatar
Greetings Nirvana fan associates!

I wanted to know if anyone heard of the Biography book called "Heavier than Heaven"? It was an amazing book (from how much I read of it) but the book did have some criticism surrounding it. 

I never got to finish the book (it was rented at a local Library) and I got NEARLY halfway through it. I should purchase it again at a local Book store. 

Rest in Peace Kurt. You will forever be in my heart for helping me through rough times when I would feel down. You helped with me your Artistic music style. Thank you!!!!
God bless Pixel Rose Black Rose Pixel Rose Black Rose 

-Loren (one of your many loving fans) :peace:
straingedays's avatar
Thanks for making me a member 8-)
Just call me a product of the 90's, & bootlegs-r-us !!
Miss-Red-In-Hell's avatar
Thanks for accepting me ! :happybounce:
WolfWitchErika's avatar
PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO REOPEN THE CASE OF KURTS DEATH!!! ONLY 142 MORE NEED TO SIGN!!! All you do is give your name and address, that's all. I already signed so please sign too! www.change.org/petitions/seatt…

Also if you want updates and overviews, watch this vid that was posted in 2011 (I think its the most recent) www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8fjQw…

If you want all the info on his case, go here cobaincase.com/