kuro0's avatar


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The last time I ever update is... 5 months ago. You know what I do see a pattern going on lately esp every time I take a art dump I also update the journal. I'm done with reg. and summer classes now I have a month and a half to do some good shit b4 getting back to bz. Today.. scratch that is like July 14 2am so yesterday the 13 was my friends 21st b-day and hang. Met up with other friends and one recently brought up about Deviant =] thanks cause I need to be active so I can be more creative.

Not much to say but this summer is going on great don't way more then I though I would be doing. not art wise but more activities. Going to two trips this summer small ones. A weekend with my dad and sis to Maryland for a Martial Arts comp. then in August a week and a half in Washington D.C and Florida =D

I really want to finish some stuff I have started. Looking for the time I should get going to sleep so I can have a fresh start bright and early.

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2 min read
lol it has been A WHILE since i've updated ahem... about 7 months ._.. After my laptop decided to crash i realized a lost alot of art i MEAN ALOT of FREAKEN HARD WORK. But I'm glad i have photobucket and memory sticks XD.
But this is nearly 7 months of work. I should have more but i feel a bit empty. I'll try to get more art up since I've improved over these 7 months. I've been thinking of opening up slots in Deviant for commissions just for fun or art trades ._.
BUUUUT i've been also feeling crafty. I've recently made a plushie of Mike. DX you see how obsessed i'm with mike XD well of course XD my OC. lol Soon i'll be posting up some pics of him.. nekkie =X

lol Sorry for those who sub. my Deviant ._. you'll be seeing alot of messages and deviant XD cause i'll try to be as active as i can again. no lie like everyday i'm going to check this shit out =X

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!#$!@# ._.

1 min read
Its been a while since i've updated and became "active" again ._.
to tell the truth there wasn't much going on, same day over and over DX.
Anywho I'll try to update more ._.

P.S: =D i watched Kung-fu panda Master Oogway is so awesome =D
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

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hush hush

2 min read
i guess i'm not so accurate in what i do.. *sighs* House is getting renovated like crazy, practically almost done.. hopefully before november or close to thanksgiving. I wanna enjoy my widescreen and games >>
I finally will be able to be a gamer.. not that i wasn't.. i have a PSP.. out of all the years of games.. just a psp.. after a long argument and settlement with my parents.. i'm going to have to pay for the damn TV and gaming system.. i'm going to raise 2k+ be the end of the renovation.. i think i can do it, but not b4 the renovation is complete.
sucks balls... big hairy balls -_-

Still very annoyed of some stuff, stupid stuff and dumb shitty stuff.
Since i'm not so new in DA i wanna make new buddies, in both RL and Digilife =[
after looking back in my undergrad life i feel empty. o_o.. sad

hush hush

Test are rushing and cramed next week. i have plenty of artwork to display is just the scanner and the CD.. i need to find that damn intaller CD...T_T

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booo =[

1 min read
Anywho, school just started and things been rocky.
My house is being renovated and crap are flying left and right. Nothing is in place. =[
i "lost" my PSP but i'm determined to find it. But under all that, last and this month i'm filled with accidents. First one was when i was visiting my grandparent's grave i got burn with a incense then it left a bubble =[. few days later i got bit by my mother's dog.. its a Peking dog.. envious and selfish type dog.. leave that info in the future. That wound was bloody =[
then later another few days i kicked something and my little toe nail kinda flipped and bleed =[.
I'm all accidents oAo

hope you guys have better luck then i do >W<

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Bad at commitment ... by kuro0, journal

._. FINALLY by kuro0, journal

!#$!@# ._. by kuro0, journal

hush hush by kuro0, journal

booo =[ by kuro0, journal