Kunai-Kurenai's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Dec 5
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (105)
My Bio

Hey, Mac here! Welcome to the party.

I'm largely inactive on here now but I check back every few months to see what's up. Just drop a comment if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. xx


RIP Jim Jam. You will always be my hero.
The Family Is foREVer by Kunai-Kurenai

RIP Mitch Lucker. You will be missed.
RIP Mitch Lucker by Kunai-Kurenai

Favourite Movies
Dirty Dancing
Favourite TV Shows
Sailor Moon, Parks and Rec, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Favourite Books
Me Before You, Sookie Stackhouse novels
Favourite Games
Cards Against Humanity
Tools of the Trade
Mechanical Pencil, blending sticks, Photoshop CS5
Other Interests
My boyfriend, concerts, music, and books

Hey y'all!

0 min read
Long time no talk. Literally, it's been 5 years. But I hope all is well with everyone. It's cool to see some of my art is still getting favorites even though I totally ghosted back in 2012. I don't draw much anymore (unless notebook doodles count), being a college senior and all, but I'll never forget all the good times I had on this site. Thanks for everything,Mac (aka Lilly) 
anonymous's avatar
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Well hey.

0 min read
I feel like it's been forever. haha Sorry I've been so very busy with school and life and blah blah blah... you don't care hahaWhatever the case, I'm back for a bit. I might post up a few things soon, too...I've missed you all. :)xx
anonymous's avatar
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Hey Ohh.

0 min read
Hi guys, it's been a while. My summer has been so busy, with cruises and road trips and boys and whatnot. School is starting soon, and I haven't been drawing very much, to be honest.I hope your summers are all going well. :) What's the best thing you've done? I kissed a British man. That was the highlight off my summer. ;)xo
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SynackyGrohlbain's avatar
I just noticed that it's your birthday, sooo
Free Birthday Icon 
MrsSewardx's avatar
Lilllllllyyy my love :heart:

I feel like it's been forever! How are you? Hope you're keeping good!

So, um, I hate to be a pain or a pressure or anything. I'm just wondering if there's been any word on my commission? I still have the points saved up - I think it was 20, I cannot remember :c - and although I've always wanted to see your artwork portray me and Johnny together I know you've been busy and there's other commissions I could make :c

I'm sorry if I sound kinda bitchy or pressurising about it..

Lemme know when you can!
Kunai-Kurenai's avatar
Hey! I'm so SOOOOOO sorry I've been MIA for so long. Lots has been going on in my life and I haven't drawn in what feels like forever. I'm so sorry to keep you hanging about it, I will start on it next week (because I finally have a vacation!!) if that's okay with you. Again, I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing well. <3
MrsSewardx's avatar
Aw, don't worry about it! dA has practically died out by now anyway!
Don't feel like there's any pressure on your talented face <3
foREVerA7Xfan's avatar
You are amazing!! I LOVE your johnny harassment series. Keep it up!
TheObjection's avatar
happy b-day :tighthug: have a wonderful day! :)