Card Playing with Giants - coloredkuberish on DeviantArt

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kuberish's avatar

Card Playing with Giants - colored



Kenji: .......These cards... They're bad, right?....

Sachi: Bad?!? PaHaaHaHaaaHa!!!! These are worse than all my engine exams together XD!!!

Yaten: Aww, come on Yuki sweety~~ Change to my team, we'll have loooots of fun ;3

Yuki: *blushs and hides behind her cards* N-Noo... I-I'd like to st-stay here... How the hell did I come here?!? DX


EDIT: Sorry x3x!! I had lots of problems with SAI because that damn thing didn't save and PS messed up layers D<!! But now it worked and my layers are shiny >w<

lolololo I colored it >D~ I colored this old sketchy thing here
I reeally like it!! The sketch happend so damn spontaneously! I mean.... Card playing with Giants >D!! This really just sounds fun, even when the cards aren't their size. Everything's possible when you just want it =3=~ Like how the drawing happend, they're also just playing spontaneously XD. Yaten and Kenji also like playing cards together and Sachi and Yuki luckily too >D. So Sachi came to the idea, "WHY NOT?!?". Yuki's actually having a hard time as you can see... she's trembling like hell and extremly nervous. She isn't used playing with dudes who are THAT big. And also when a big blue dude flirts with her every damn second and keeps staring with his huge eyes while also feeling the breaths of those two... that's making her very nervous XD.... I mean... I'd be also nervous .____. , just look at them how huge they are D8... And Sachi's takin everything too easy again =3=;;;..

This coloring took definitly too long.... again... I dunno, if I improved or something XD, but I think it's still better than my other digitally colored artwork. I wanna get back to digital art somehow. I really hope that I will XDD.

Hope yaa like it my dudes =w=... I dunno why the hell I worked so long on this, tell me did I improve a liiiiiittle bit o3o?
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© 2012 - 2025 kuberish
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oddgtsgirl's avatar
:) I like it, kinda makes me wonder if Kenji or Yaten would be sore losers O.O