(Just started building here:)
(The message above is not me being full of myself.
It's a wish for all the artists out there who may think they are not good enough but still keep doing what they love the most.
- Also, it's from World of Warcraft. But I think it's brilliant.)
I'm a self-thought... artist??...well, person, who hopes to learn drawing anyway.
I did one "Drawing on the right side of the brain" course in 2012, but I would like to step out of the boundaries of copying, and create my original concepts. That's the plan.
My favourite things to draw are scenes with active characters - be it from shows, movies, books, etc. or my own stories/ideas.
The (relatively) easier thing to draw for me are portraits however, so I get tempted with them quite often.
Hello Dragonfriend!
thank you so much for faving my artwork!
I really appreciate your support.
Have a great day.
- Pandii