Krysella's avatar


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Take The Fan Art Mashup Challenge by Heidi, journal

Deviation Spotlight

The Winning Numbers (Part 1) by Krysella, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Dec 24
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Fan Art Mashup Challenge: Took the Fan Art Mashup Challenge
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (370)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (370)
My Bio

(Just started building here:)


(The message above is not me being full of myself.

It's a wish for all the artists out there who may think they are not good enough but still keep doing what they love the most.

- Also, it's from World of Warcraft. But I think it's brilliant.)

I'm a self-thought... artist??...well, person, who hopes to learn drawing anyway.

I did one "Drawing on the right side of the brain" course in 2012, but I would like to step out of the boundaries of copying, and create my original concepts. That's the plan.

My favourite things to draw are scenes with active characters - be it from shows, movies, books, etc. or my own stories/ideas.

The (relatively) easier thing to draw for me are portraits however, so I get tempted with them quite often.

Favourite Movies
I have lots.
Favourite TV Shows
Friends, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Avatar: The Last Airbender, TMNT (2003 mostly, but like them all)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Queen, but I also love epic music, classic music
Favourite Books
The book thief, The golden compass, The last guardian
Favourite Games
WoW..doh :)
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, acryllic paint, digital
Other Interests
WoW, movies, (fantasy) books, TGWTG

Ok, I give up

0 min read
Man I had such epic plans for this year... A new drawing every month, whoah!!!Yeah... it's almost the end of July, and I'm in the middle of my... 5th? Good God... :XD: And it's not even like I'm not working on them... Weeell, aside from some facebook addiction... aaand getting into a brand new fandom - weeell, new for me, anyway ^^' - drawing still just takes forever. I'd like to believe that is partly due me being pickier and more demanding towards myself, and not just having issues with hands and feet. ...and hair. :XD:So gonna (have to) roll with what I learnt from the Eleventh Doctor. Time is not the boss of me! :D
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R u l e s: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms. 1. WoW - Khadgar 2. Game of Thrones - Tyrion 3. Avatar, the last airbender - Sokka 4. TMNT - Donatello 5. X - Men (animated series) - Rogue 6. Friends - Chandler 7. Marvel movie univer...
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So the painting is done, I have lots of projects on my mind, :iconwarcraftscenic: to pimp, lots of half-done works I can finally finish.... So... yeah. And now to try out STAMPS!!!!! :D
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PandiiVan's avatar

Hello Dragonfriend!

thank you so much for faving my artwork!

I really appreciate your support.  

Have a great day.

- Pandii

Campanita42's avatar
Thanks for the +fav 
Krysella's avatar
Null-Entity's avatar
Thankyou Kindly For The Watch :D
Krysella's avatar
MajorO's avatar
Hello once again. This is odd. Just as I finished replying to you. I received a request to do a picture of the doctor with Bambi and the Wrrin.

Not really my thing but thought of you. Would you mind if I sent him your way?
Krysella's avatar
I think I know them. :XD: Has already requested some Bambi from me, and I have already declined once.
Sadly I barely have enough free time for my own stuff, I just can not take requests.

But thanks for thinking of me anyway. :)