Born in dicemder the 21st 1982 in Milan, Italy.
I’ve always been interested in drawing and writing stories since I was a child. My fantasy grew a lot thanks to the Italian "Anime Boom" in the late '80s / early '90s, when hundreds of Japanese cartoons were broadcasted on TV. At the end of the Intermediate School (6th to 8th grade in US), I attended the Liceo Artistico A. Frattini (Art High School), in Varese.
In the summer of 1999 – between the 3rd and the 4th High School year – I saw the light: Comics. A friend of mine suggested me to see some Anime movies, such as Ghost in the Shell and Akira, and the TV series Neon Genesis Evangelion. In those years I started developing my drawing style and writing stories (which are only waiting to be published) I still continue.
In 2001 I got a diploma with good marks, but even before the end of High School I worked on some drawings for school text books, for Italian publishers like Bruno Mondadori and Principato.
In 2002 I met Greta, my kindred spirit, and my life has been pushed forward by a great positive force.
During 2004, I was bogged down in hundreds of ideas and projects, but then I saw the light again: my old passion for dinosaurs came back into me powerfully. During the summer of the same year I met the paleontologist Marco Signore, and we soon became friends and a fantastic work team in my first project, which begun in 2006: the "Dinosaurs" series, which tells the Mesozoic in six graphic novels published in Italy, USA, Japan, France, South Korea and Germany. This big project is finished after more than 4 years of work, and now I'm preparing to go on this difficult road.
Buon compleanno anticipato!
Sorry for being so awfully late with my reply, but in the last few months DA often gives me a very annoying error for several days in a row...
No worries!
Ciao Matteo Bacchin, hai per caso letto l'articolo scritto da Andrea Cau intitolato The Rise of Tyrannies, Fall of Nursery? Parla di Scipionyx e di diversi altri Compsognathidae. Leggendolo, mi è venuto in mente uno dei tuoi vecchi fumetti.
Ciao! No, non l'ho letto, grazie per la segnalazione e per il pensiero. Cercherò di dargli un'occhiata quando ho tempo.
Happy Birthday! And Merry Christmas while I'm at it! Sorry for the late wishes, I was dealing with holiday things.
No problem. ;)
Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you too! :)