The Year of JubileeKristinaGehrmann on DeviantArt

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The Year of Jubilee



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The year is 1500, and Cesare Borgia celebrates the state and his family by leading a triumph procession through Rome.

I'm not sure how many figures are in this painting; I stopped counting at twenty-one.
Ever since I was a teenager I've had a secret crush on giant, pompous, oversized, overcrowded historical paintings (yes, yes, I know that cramming lots of people into a painting doesn't automatically make it good), or pretend-historical paintings. There's a huge painting by Hans Makart in the Hamburg Kunsthalle that I'm in love with :D

Ah well. My next one will be much, much simpler. I must focus on the fundamentals of drawing; perspective and anatomy especially. Still got a lot to learn and it's gonna take time; please bear with me.

Medium: Photoshop and Wacom tablet
Time taken: About 30-40 hours, not including wasted hours of procrastination and time spent on searching references.
Image size
1000x744px 559.39 KB
© 2012 - 2025 KristinaGehrmann
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