Krimpin-n-Bneji's avatar


Shou-Jai Gals!
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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Current Residence: box under a bridge, we is startving artist
Favourite genre of music: All types xP Throw a song at us, and we'll probably like it.
Favourite photographer: .....lawl....xD anyone as long as their fingers aren't in the picture.
Favourite style of art: Anime, Betch.
Operating System: ...huh? computer, what?
MP3 player of choice: iPod..yeah.
Shell of choice: ...lobster???
Wallpaper of choice: smex? yaoi? lolwut?
Skin of choice: B'neji likes ghostly pale skin! Krimpin prefers a slight tan...
Favourite cartoon character: good gawd, rude. we cannot choose!!
Personal Quote: "What a babe!"--B'neji "Faaabuloouuus~"--Krimpin'

Favourite Visual Artist
Uhhh....B'neji--Luis Royo, foo! Krimpin-- BOB ROSS!! :B
Favourite Movies
(B'neji) Silent Hill (Krimpin') Forrest Gump
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Krimpin--Rush! B'neji--Currently deciding xP there's too many!
Favourite Writers
B'neji--EE Cummings~ and Shakespeare Krimpin-- Shakespeare!
Favourite Games
FINAL FANTASY!! and Suikoden I and II...yes we do! <3333333333 (dont make us choose)
Favourite Gaming Platform
DDR!?? :B
Tools of the Trade
Spider Pig
Other Interests
gaming drawing reading writing yaoi fanlove yuri (on Krimpin's side) doujins fan-pairings money
But dangit. I&#039;m just not feelin it right now. Sure I have a headache...but that&#039;s not the point..HEYLLO ALL, it&#039;s B&#039;Neji here. As you can see..Me and Krimpin&#039; are..clawing to make a comeback.. HA HA HA :[ Let&#039;s see how well that goes, hmm?Anywho..We REALLY need to update our ID and stuff..because both of us have changed.....a lot.I now have longer hair than Krimpin&#039; does O: AND it&#039;s no longer black. Thank god. I don&#039;t know what I was thinking. Never happening again. Blah.SO..yeah...HOPING that we&#039;ll be a little more successful in our &#039;come back&#039; this time..and then MAYBE we can actually..Oh..I don&#039;t know...attract people? Yea...
anonymous's avatar
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Hm, well, just like my basic personality does to everything else in my life, I have left things unfinished and now I am returning to them! : DTwo years have long passed since I&#039;ve seriously picked up my pencil and have felt truly driven to draw something. That time is OVER, I&#039;ve decided *nod nod* And so, I will be returning to DeivantART to gear it up toward the betterment of my long-abandoned artistic ability. Let&#039;s face it, it&#039;s simply who I am. It&#039;s time for all this madness to stop, and pick up my dang pencil again!So, here we go, more from us coming soon-ish!!! Love you all truly, madly, deeply.... Peace, Love and Art, ~Krimpin&#039;
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0 min read
Haven&#039;t been on in awhile... Yes,yes, quite quite.. Senior year has been a beeetch!!!BUT now that I&#039;m here, I has one thing to say to you all:I... I lost the game :Dyaaay!!!
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Profile Comments 41

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yaoi16's avatar
DARKFOX2970's avatar
bet you wont know who this is i bet ya...
you know i never got why....
you your friends were jerks and abusive since i never got to see them again...
im referring to krimping
i know who you are in real life girl....
you after a bit of therapy about your life you ask these things...
i sensierly HOPE (and believe me the words are dripping with sarcasm)
that you can answer me this.....
along as to the why of a lot of other choices you've made....
if you can please answer them ill be a bit closer to completing my shrinks conditioning...
so for now im just asking simple questions..... and believe me i will only stop asking when ive been answered....
theCheeseCracker's avatar
Thanks so much for the fave on "Three's Company"! :'D
Krimpin-n-Bneji's avatar
Krimpin- Well, it was cute :D I personally am in LOVE with the play Hamlet!!! I was obsessed with it for the longest time <3 Still am, actually XD
theCheeseCracker's avatar
Same here! It's actually my second favorite Shakespeare play too. But I haven't seen or read it in a while... hmmm, maybe I should do so soon. X3
tigercat070's avatar
i lurvs you guys thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
much XP
UglyDNFangirl12's avatar
all your stuff is cool!
everytime you draw matt a healthy puppy is born...
and who doesn't like puppies!?