krigl's avatar


269 Watchers

Hi there, just popping in to wish people a great Christmas.

Haven't been active lately - first, spent too much time on fractals and strained my eyes (one of the reasons I stopped 7 years ago, it's hard on the eyes), then started a long Warhammer II campaign, and then Christmas preparations + late-year tiredness hit. I'll be back fairly soon, with any luck.

Until then, I wish everyone a wonderful holiday period and, if I don't get back in for the next week, a very Happy New Year as well : )

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Elric of Melnibone

Hi there... after 7 years away, I've come back, having forgotten everything I've ever learned about fractal making, but ready to do heroic battle once again for the third or fourth time now with various tutorials, tips and parameters in the hope of regaining lost skills... such as they were.

(Cool Elric - the Eternal Champion image by IsraLlona on DA)

I'm sorry to have just vanished like that, but I never planned to. Too much work, basically, and my children reached an age where we can enjoy games together. And, I got older. Checking texts  on the computer all the time for my job + manipulating fractals was killing my eyes, and going to bed at 2pm every night was killing everything else. I always planned to return after a bit, but eventually just got used to not being on DA, and doing other things.

As with a lot of people, COVID had a big impact on me. A good impact.  The crisis + a few other good and bad events resulted in me having far less work and actually being able to have evenings off, and even weekends off - something I've not known outside holiday periods since around 2008. After 14 or so  exhausting, stressful years, I feel like I've retired, even though I still work around 35 hours a week. Finally I have the time and energy to be creative again. I hope it lasts...

Returning to DA after 7 years, I can see a lot has changed. Many people have left. Some people I 'knew' or occasionally exchanged words with online have tragically even died - Muzski, Aegiandyad, holymacro - and I haven't gone through everything yet, there may be more. So very sad. The 'Eclipse' interface is horrible. There's more emphasis than ever on monetisation and watermarking at the site. But... there are still a lot of familiar faces, still a lot of great fractals and other art being made. Hopefully DA will come to be a second home once again.

Well, looking forward to seeing what people have been getting up to over the last few years!



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It's late winter in the Czech Republic and the busiest time of the year. No time or mental/physical energy for making fractals... instead using what time I have to refine my faves collections and appreciate what I've collected. Thought I'd share some of my favourite architecture pictures... if you see something by you there and you don't want me to feature it just let me know and I'll remove it.

House Brigantine by inObrAS Museum of the Sea nature 2 by Bop181
The Karkonosze viii by Rajmund67 Top of the world - crop by Bumblewales
geisterhouse by blackdaddy:thumb134926094:
:thumb154071944: Clive RT - Pointing to the sky by Yerfdog5
Against the Clouds by Khaloodies Pont de Normandie by Dante121 House of cards by Replicante
Peles Castle by Buhuhu87 Top of the world by me-inside515
Glory in Ruins by JeRoenMurre Bigmouth by w-i-s-h
sirince by matricaria72 False Moon on La Defense by bosniak
Circular Staircase Down II by Matthias-Haker 11. by iveseenthefuture
Check Mate by Beerends:thumb147519894: - palace of culture - by meadowshadow
Perspective by Nu-Clear-Photo Moscow Russia by inObrAS
C.o.r.r.i.d.o.r  -III- by nexion Apartment and Office Tower by rindrasan
I will travel in your dreams by carrolsmith Sagrada Familia by Asimakis
Holding the Fort by Partner-in-crime Dominos colour by almiller
Froide Saison by Dante121 Bayern Munchen arena better by viktike roof by choney25
Jubilee Church, richard meier by koyamenz Glaesernde Manufaktur II by Matthias-Haker
observation by choney25 The Peak by geriazriel
_teh silo_ updated by SorrowScavenger:thumb152461303:
Vintage Shade by RAlexanderTrejo Am Hafen by cmdpirxII
Clive RT - Ancient and Modern by Yerfdog5 Majestic Petronas by Gaisano fernsehturm berlin by AnniStar
high dynamic by jasonCpierce Salt mine in Torda by Hun82
Mega building by Klavka AT'omium by VirguleVirgule
:thumb159063745: Complex v30 by techdesg One Knight Stands by BriceChallamel






journal skin by banishedcatgirl233

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Just a quick feature to let me say thanks to everyone for
faving, watching and inspiring!!!

Shadowing Tail by FractalMonster Metallic Shapes VII by mario837 Cocoons Nest by solark
Poor Butterfly by Fractamonium Tanglefoot by catelee2u Fashionable rotbox by dark-beam
Blue World Symphony by markkarvon trance by sewer-pancake Spring by tatasz
Quick Someone Hand Me a Wrench by moonhigh Snofru's Red Pyramid in Dahshur by WhiteBook
Demention by Joe-Maccer :thumb350647921: GSV MainBay III by MarkJayBee
:thumb323176254: Kizgorod by NikYeliseyev Root Around by HalTenny
Gruneflind Valley by GrungeTV Nursery II (Winter) by Tolkyes The Second Instar by Abiogenisis
Wasp + Wheatstraw Celosia by satellite-unknown Favelas01 by barontieri Abandoned Castle by FerdinandLadera
Leaves by Greenseng Amazing Surf Rappel by Taojoe Andromeda exiles by angelitoon
INC 927 STL 016 by scaulier69 Distribution network by bib993 :thumb345128103:
Digital Divinity by OtherSideImage Modry sen by tomsumartin Wraparound by AureliusCat
Flamingos by theslider Symbiosis 2 by fractalhead :thumb328052784:
Ab13 Summer Prayer by Xantipa2 UltraFractal6 MaryArtandPhotos by MarysartandPhotos Further Exploration Needed by worksteady
Life in a Loonie Polar Bubble by auntDevi Only Be... by WhiteBook Enigma 2 by Theli-at
MB3D_0335_hd by 0Encrypted0 Janyu by FarDareisMai Vine by 12GO
Encased Marbles by GypsyH Rainbow Love by Thelma1 Lago di montagna by hiram67
Citius, Altius, Fortius by Juniae That Glowing Place by montag451 Gaudy Leaf Frog by slecocqphotography
To the 91st Degree by miincdesign RoomDoorsIFS - trial 1 by skyzyk Elven sky by FractalDesire
Rings 'n Things by jim373 Encounter... by LaxmiJayaraj
Die in Winter by tatasz Year fractal of the snake by KPEKEP
Fractalholic 4074 by Fractalholic Frail by C-91 mea philosophicis conversionem by lecristal
Far Away by allthenightlong Within the Pineal Gland by mehrdadart Composizione2976bis by claudio51
Strange Attractor Woodlands and Spinal Orchid Sky by MANDELWERK Happy Family - One Hand Clap (the Wall) by jim373 Hali by HippieVan57
Adrenaline by VicEberly Feast Night by raysheaf Night and Day by rosshilbert
Fawnda by afugatt From the Mind of Helge von Koch by dainbramage1 Contre-sens by Prelkia
015_fractabinollic interior of the rabbithole by drnda42 Skolkovo-Saint Petersburg by inObrAS:thumb350087012:

If you don't want me to feature your work please let me know...
...and if I've missed anyone I'm sorry, not my intention!!

Keep well!


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Spring 'Thank You' feature 2012

Well, I've just got back from a pleasant two weeks in Italy and can finally post this little 'thank you' to all my active watchers and a few others who have supported my efforts over the last few months…
Some great stuff here – check it out, spread the love etc…. cheers!


The Talent:


Life is a blur II by darkdex52 Missing in Action by darkdex52 On The Hunt by darkdex52

Perfume by Adsarta Selimiye camii XIII by Adsarta Don't turn off the light by Adsarta

all wrapped up by HippieVan57 dakota by HippieVan57 r_pods by HippieVan57

Element of Life... by LaxmiJayaraj Look, Who is here... by LaxmiJayaraj Winter... by LaxmiJayaraj

Challenge 130 by mario837 Rotbox Going White by mario837 So What... by mario837

Diogenes XXI by inObrAS Welcome to DragonLand by inObrAS Turkish Morning by inObrAS

:thumb261270245: :thumb212474908: :thumb210013971:

Messing about in.....Gairloch by piglet365 Fishing baskets by piglet365 Frosty sunset by piglet365

opiate by sewer-pancake untitled by sewer-pancake balloons and streamers by sewer-pancake

Cirque de Salazie by Necy Marche sur le feu 2 by Necy Depuis le ciel 9 by Necy

Gold lust by dark-beam Fashionable rotbox by dark-beam Gnarl3D RotBox by dark-beam

Blossom by dewandfireflies In Hiding by dewandfireflies Mirrored by dewandfireflies

Sunset Beach Meeting by Greenseng Run by Greenseng Nanoview by Greenseng

Eye Candy by Thelma1 Full of Holes by Thelma1 Changing with the Season by Thelma1

Enterprise by luxjai1 Burj Al Arab by luxjai1 The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel - Mumbai by luxjai1

Devine Light by holymacro :thumb299044993: Sunset Reflect by holymacro

Sunshine Of Your Love by Joe-Maccer Tend My Garden by Joe-Maccer Beneath a Phrygian Sky by Joe-Maccer

Favignana 2 by hiram67 Valencia 3 by hiram67 Favignana by hiram67

:thumb279324930: :thumb274042600: :thumb303016012:

The Church of St. Simeon 1 by Yavanna1815 Krasny Oktyabr by Yavanna1815 Orekhovo-Borisovo Metochion by Yavanna1815

:thumb303251442: :thumb303490853: :thumb303030922:

Budha by Suppi-lu-liuma Santorini - continued by Suppi-lu-liuma The king... by Suppi-lu-liuma

Winter In The Forest by Aivaseda St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral. by Aivaseda Tree by Aivaseda

food by liviugherman Petru Voda Hermitage by liviugherman circle of light by liviugherman

WOTW Winter by barbieq25 No Chains by barbieq25 Beneath Dark Waters by barbieq25

Turning The Song Into A Prayer by 33M :thumb265015496: :thumb299670948:

TheOldestFart's Jugs by VickyM72 Yafaroom by VickyM72 Chromified by VickyM72

Inner Lava Fort by FractalMonster Pierced Sea by FractalMonster Yet Another Bridge by FractalMonster

Twelfth of Never by jim373 HinterLand by jim373 Playing Along by jim373

:thumb302877402: :thumb301066521: :thumb299302659:

Lake Meiko in March by Pajunen Asylum by Pajunen Winter Night Windmill by Pajunen

I Will Be the Flame by snow-valkyrie Using Waves of Sound by snow-valkyrie Lost At Sea by snow-valkyrie

Leaf Spiral by FranEll3 f_wavesphcrack67J2 by FranEll3 Cracked Smoeggs And Ham by FranEll3

Design and CSS by Anjellyjoy
Brushes by crazy-alice
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51 great architecture pictures by krigl, journal

Winter 2013 - thank you feature by krigl, journal

Late Spring 'Thank You' feature by krigl, journal

OUT OF TOWN by krigl, journal

Everyland feature no. 2 by krigl, journal