Avatar - Cold BloodedKrekka01 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/krekka01/art/Avatar-Cold-Blooded-90301694Krekka01

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Krekka01's avatar

Avatar - Cold Blooded



And now for something completely different!
A newer thing, though technically, it is using an old technique of mine. This is one of those Avatar: the Last Airbender fanpics.
If you don't get it, I always found Katara lately to be a bit more like Azula in some ways... I'm certain this will be especially true when "The Southern Raiders" finally airs.
Azula is cold and calculating and controls blue fire while Katara, when pissed, can be especially bossy, angry, vindicitive and even vengeful... and she can control a person's "Precious Bodily Fluids": Bloodbending.
BTW, portaits of the girls are from screenshots from episodes. I merely made it so that their faces aligned to eachother.

Atla copyright of Nick
Azula and Katara copyright of Bryke
Image size
425x510px 180.69 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Krekka01
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ThePhantazia's avatar
Azula is 100% better than Katara . Truly , that peasant is nothing compared to the princess