kreativekitty3's avatar


Kat Knutsen
136 Watchers144 Deviations
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Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (83)
My Bio

The three P's always guide me!

1. Passion
2. Patience
3. Persistence

Favourite Visual Artist
Erich Fischl, Courbet, Rubens, Boris Vallejo, Victor Wang, Chris Greene, Mary Beth McKenzie, Isabel Bishop
Favourite Movies
Illusionist, Donny Darco, Avatar, Sherlock Homes, Pirates of Carribean, Sleepy Hollow, Hitch
Favourite TV Shows
Project Runway, Design on a Dime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Royksopp, Ulrich Schnauss
Favourite Books
Art books,craft books
Favourite Writers
Poe, Michel Franco
Favourite Games
What do you make of this...?
Tools of the Trade
oil on canvas, bad ass knitta/crocheta, love
Other Interests
playing Music, jewelry design, crocheting, knitting, photography
I was responding to a message today and afterwards browsed through previously dated messages.  My heart was filled with love and appreciation more and more as I read through each thoughtful note.  I just wanted to express to my friends on deviantart how much you mean to me and how much you have made an impact on my life.  Thank you so much for being you!  You are loved and appreciated.  I am so thankful to be a part of your life and to grow along side by side with you in our improvements of art making over the years.Lately, I've come to see how quickly life bombards us and can take us away from the studio for days and weeks and sometimes m...
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Where did I go?

0 min read
Ahh, it feels good to be typing away again on DA.  I missed reading your posts, seeing your new art, uploading my own art, and exchanging ideas and thoughts with one another.  I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I have been fully active!  Shame on me!  It has been a little hectic running through the holidays, but a little more followed those twinkling lights, family dinners, and travel in my world.I might have mentioned here or there that I just graduated from UNC Asheville.  I thought it would be a skip and a hop to get through.  Turns out, the graduating paper work is mountainous.  I was very relieved to be able to move on.  ...
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www.katknutsen.comI finally built a website!  Hooray!  Check it out and tell what you think.  Does it look clean?  Empty? Organized?  easy to navigate?  Thank you beautiful people!Kat K.  :D
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Profile Comments 564

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motifandcode's avatar
BRipin's avatar
Hi Kat, It is so VERY nice to hear from you my friend!  I hope that you, your art and life are flourishing.  Thank you for sending me a comment on my Wayne portrait and hope to hear more from you.  Best, Barrie 
Mayeaux's avatar
Thanks for the fave, Kat! Glad to hear from you! Have a Merry Christmas!:santa:
BRipin's avatar
Hey Kat, What a delightful surprise to see you had visited my gallery.  I have missed you.  No guilt there, all my fault.  Best, Hugs, Barrie
Mayeaux's avatar
Thank you so much for the fave, Kitty! It is so wonderful to hear from you again!:hug: I have been away for a while myself, dealing with life and work issues, but finally have some time for my DA friends and art in general! Hope you are doing good and looking forward to seeing your latest artwork!:)
CarolynYM's avatar
What a nice surprise - thank you so much and where is your latest works???:heart:
Miss you :hug:
morningstarskid's avatar