Team MondKrahler on DeviantArt

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Krahler's avatar

Team Mond



Drawing Pokemon is fun, and since I saw others do it I wanted to show off my main team from Moon, too :>

While I drew the first headshot (Zygarde), I started to imagine that they're a group of villains from a clichéd action movie, so I tried giving them some character traits (that's why they look so evil) XD
I wonder if you could guess who's who. So, do you want to play a game? EVIL Laughter! 

The characters are:
a) the boss
b) the boss's direct subordinate who secretly aims higher
c) the asshole everybody hates and who dies to please the audience, probably killed by one of his colleagues (I'm so sorry *pkmn*! You're still one of my favs and I love you! ;.; )
d) Muscles Mc No-brain
e) the weak newbie who attacks the good guys but fails and gets caught
f) the actual big bad evil boss who pulls all the strings behind the scenes

(PS: If you want one of the headshots (free), e.g. to use it as an icon, you can tell me ^^ )

As always, comments and constructive feedback would be much appreciated. :D (Big Grin) 

Art by me, characters from Pokemon belong to Nintendo
Image size
3071x2609px 2.72 MB
© 2017 - 2025 Krahler
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reynadia's avatar
yOOOOO a totally kickass team hell yea~~ B))
and hMMMM this is a tough game, but i'll take a stab at it:
a) Lunala
b) Zygarde
c) Salandit
d) Rampardos
e) Skarmory
f) Vaporeon ??? (for ironic effect im guessin, u neva kno)

omggg ive got Pokemon Sun, we should totally battle sometime :eyes: