Couriers of West and Eastkrahka on DeviantArt

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krahka's avatar

Couriers of West and East




So I liked how Ulysses made a great foil for my NCR Courier, like, specifically for him. Both of them are huge nerds, both of them are extremely well traveled in their respective regions, and both of them know pretty much next to nothing about what life is like the other side of the Colorado, both of them are named after mediocre 19th century presidents, Ulysses calls Martin out on his not thinking about things before he presses buttons, Martin calls Ulysses out on him blaming his psychological issues on him and the Republic, everyone has a grand old time.

This picture makes them look like they had a much more genial relationship than they actually did. I was thinking more of an east-west facing thing, but it looked more like they were fighting back to back. In game, he shot the son of a bitch in the face several times for failing to learn the one lesson that even an illiterate idiot would be able to get in this world. NUKES ARE BAD, MMKAY? (Also: Mess with ED-E AND DIEEEEEEEE.)
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© 2012 - 2025 krahka
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vakapyro06's avatar
I like how they're sorta looking at each other... ED-E BLOCKING

Anyway, this is good