KPOPDreamers's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Neko-Army343's avatar
Hi!~ this is my art~ I would love if you check it~ I do fanart~
And love BT21 Characters~
Jimin by Neko-Army343 TaTa~ by Neko-Army343 Neko Army~ by Neko-Army343
LyraVYS's avatar
The only folder where I'm able to submit is Featured. Why don't the others work?
W00LVES's avatar
Hello! If anyone is looking for more Kpop Fanart groups, it'd be awesome if you'd checkout
CinnamintyAshes's avatar
Hello~ kpop fans here, If you like rping, K-poproleplay has many groups open for Rp if you would like to~ 
Here's who's available from the Masterlist~!…
PaintBrushBirdie1's avatar…

:star:Im a huge k-pop fan myself. My friends and I actually decided to start a dance cover group c: