Battle for the BadgeKoto-wari on DeviantArt

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Koto-wari's avatar

Battle for the Badge



I'm on a roll today. ; D And I am totally back into the Pokémon fandom (well, somewhat).
I started this way before that doodle of Gold, but I was already reading the manga, and it inspired me. : D
Not just the manga, some fanart site did as well.
Since I like both Green and Gold, I just had to draw them. Not exactly like their Manga/Game appearance, but the way I want to draw them. It's the joy of drawing; you put the world to your hand~

So. Yes. Pokémon. Battle for the Earth Badge (For those that remember, "Battle for the Badge" was the title of the episode where Ash fought for his Earth badge). Viridian Gymleader Green vs Pokémon trainer Gold/Kenta.
I can't remember exactly if Green uses a Pidgeot in his Gym team, but I wanted to draw Pidgeot. I like Birds. :<
And of course Typhlosion.

Who's gonna win?

Green's outfit is a mix of his FR/LG and HG/SS outfits.
Gold is drawn from my memory. He's got elements from Kenta (anime) and Gold (manga/game).

Fire is fun to draw. :D
If you fave it, please be so kind as to tell me why you liked it. Critique is always welcome~ :3
It's already 14/03/2010 when I submit it... Yey for HG SS release : D

Full size:2031x1563
Starting date: 2/02/2010
Finishing date:13/03/2010
Image size
1295x996px 928 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Koto-wari
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inspectork1412's avatar
This is so epic... :iconilavplz: Awesome job! :heart:

The heat of the battle, so to speak, is so obvious... I love seeing these two match up in battle, and I like how you haven't excluded the trainers from the effects... rather, you haven't excluded the one closest to the fire out of it... hehe. ^^ But still, you did a really good job. :3