If you are wanting to keep up to date with my lastest work follow me on Instagram or Tumblr, I don't use this account very much anymore. Links are below my bio.
Heya, you can call me Kanie! I'm primarily an illustrator in digital and traditional (colour pencil and copic) medium. I am a qualified professional artist, but I feel I still have heaps to learn. I'm heavily inspired video games, animations, and fan art from them. I own two birds, Obi the cockatiel and Luke the budgie, who are also my big inspirations.
Some of my favourite game franchises include, Mother/ Earthbound, Ace Attorney and Pokemon so expect to see numerous fan art from them! I also draw a lot of birds and I combine them into my fan art pieces. I do have my own 'tiel characters too, like Kosmotiel.
Currently I'm drawing mainly Ace Attorney and Pokemon stuff.
If I don't reply to your comments, that doesn't mean I have not read them! I appreciate every comment I get on my work very much!
If you see anything signed "Kanis-Major" that is my old account name, so it's all my work.
Click here for commission details!
I use Instagram to post a lot of my sketch work, sometimes stuff that I don't post anywhere else. I try to post most days there too.
I generally post more on tumblr like my comics and quick arts. I'd advise to look here if you want to see constant artworks from me. XD Must I warn that I tend to focus on my current fandoms? And that's Ace Attorney.
Recently opened a new store. Updates will be coming!
Happy Birthday!