(C) Sebi - 11/25 - Dynamic Duokopfschmerztablette on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kopfschmerztablette/art/C-Sebi-11-25-Dynamic-Duo-777811863kopfschmerztablette

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(C) Sebi - 11/25 - Dynamic Duo



I've never actually watched Gravity Falls, but I've heard a bit about it and looked at a looot of screenshots. Seems like a show that gets pretty dark and deep, even though it definitely doesn't look the part from the get-go.

I tried to imitate the show's style a little, and I hope I didn't fail too miserably lmao

Dipper&Mabel (c) Gravity Falls

Oh btw? Make sure to ALWAYS SAVE YOUR FILES!! Because, otherwise, you're gonna do 9 sketches in one night, go to bed feeling a little lighter and in control of your life- just to wake up to your laptop having rebooted itself and all your sketches gone ;)
(Still wish SAI had a function like PS and simply auto-saved files, even if just temporarily..)

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