[AWA] 11 - Zulukopfschmerztablette on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kopfschmerztablette/art/AWA-11-Zulu-868977529kopfschmerztablette

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kopfschmerztablette's avatar

[AWA] 11 - Zulu



Hello again!
Here is yet another pet portrait for Art While Apart, this time of this adorable weenie Zulu!

I had a hell of a fun time doing the lines on this one and all the fur, just to ultimately hide the layer and work over it after I was done with the colors :')
I feel like I've made quite some improvements since my first few works for AWA, but there's still a lot I need to work on,,

Art really be like that... Shrug emoji 

Oh and I actually streamed part of this portrait on Twitch!
Here are the links for anybody interested: 1st part and 2nd part (It got split into two because the first stream died after, like, an hour and I didn't notice for ages happy cry XD )

Here's some other portraits I've done for Art While Apart, in no particular order:
[AWA] 09 - Oggy by kopfschmerztablette  [AWA] 02 - Pistol by kopfschmerztablette  [AWA] 10 - Kiara by kopfschmerztablette 

Hope you like it, and wish you all the best~
Birb dance 2 Birb dance Birb dance 2 Birb dance 

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© 2021 - 2025 kopfschmerztablette
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lollysdrawings's avatar

What a cute face expression on this doggo OwO