.::Fly with Me, Sonic! [Sonic and Tails R]::.KookieStar22 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kookiestar22/art/Fly-with-Me-Sonic-Sonic-and-Tails-R-890828464KookieStar22

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KookieStar22's avatar

.::Fly with Me, Sonic! [Sonic and Tails R]::.



My entry for EmuEmi's FanArt Special Thanks for Episode 10 coming this (and funny enough) September 10th!
Sonic and Tails R has been such a delight to hear in my everyday basis, and mostly since it's SO great to hear the old cast back in action! So, as an appreciation, I did this for Ep. 9's big debut! Let's start counting the days for the great finale!

Thank you Emi Jones, Doryan Nelson, Ryan Drummond, Trey Nobles, Mike Pollock and the rest of the team for doing the most amazing Radio Drama ever done~ Love 

Fly with Me, Sonic! [Sonic and Tails R] [LineArt-S by KookieStar22 
Fly with Me, Sonic! [Sonic and Tails R] [LineArt]

Sonic and Tails R Sketch by KookieStar22

Sonic and Tails R OG Sketch Idea

Sonic the Hedgehog (c) Sega
Sonic and Tails R (c) Emi Jones & Doryan Nelson
Image size
2500x2000px 5.1 MB
© 2021 - 2025 KookieStar22
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TSResort's avatar

I love this.

R was a great series. Shame its creator went down the gutter.