ARC Captain ARC-13/05-4859 'Witold'Kommandant4298 on DeviantArt

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ARC Captain ARC-13/05-4859 'Witold'



ARC Captain Witold is a battle-hardened special forces officer skilled in infiltration, guerrilla warfare, covert reconnaissance, intelligence gathering and also commanding irregular/resistance forces behind enemy lines. In addition, Witold is also seen as a pioneer for the development of Clone Infiltration Teams.

Originally a member of the 21st Nova Corps' 4th Mountain Paratrooper Regiment, 4859 (who went by 59 as a nickname for the time being) had developed a unique genetic quirk during his creation, which resulted in him holding a preference to working on his own. This would come to head during the 4th Mountain's deployment to the Ice World of Tel in late 21 BBY, where he break off from his own squad and went about his own way. At first, this would be met with a serious reprimand once he would link back up with the regiment, but that changed once 4859 started provided solid intel on where Separatist forces were located and was able to cause havoc of his own on smaller droid patrols. Eventually, once the campaign was over with a major victory for the Republic, Regimental Commander CRC-05/12-1861 'Armando' did reprimand 4859 for striking out on his own - going AWOL effectively, but he also admitted that if he hadn't gone out on his own, the 4th Mountain Paratroopers would have suffered higher casualties had they not been well informed of the enemy's positions.

Realising that 4859 could not work as a normal clone trooper, but had the right mindset for solo missions and skills as an recon specialist or intelligence officer, Armando recommended 4859 to be transferred to Clone Intelligence as he believed that 4859 could work better there instead of a front-line unit. While a little annoyed at the call, 4859 nonetheless agreed to the idea. However, Armando did recognised 4859's contributions during the campaign, especially the bravery of 4859 to go out on his own - against orders - and conduct hit-and-run attacks, gathering intel which contributed to the victory on Tel, to which Armando granted 4859 the right to wear Jaig Eyes and to hold onto the regiment's signature combat vibroknife. In addition, Armando also said that 4859 would be sent to Kamino to become an ARC Trooper.

During the 7 months on Kamino, 4859 went through numerous training courses to become not only an ARC Trooper but also various others for intelligence gathering, guerrilla warfare, covert reconnaissance, sabotage raids and also deep-cover insertion. During this time, 4859 would also partake in the Third Battle of Kamino, where he proved his worth on his own once again, but this time would be able to lead a small group of clone cadets, in addition to clone troopers who go split off from their original squads, and inflicted heavy casualties on the droid forces invading Tipoca City. Once the battle was over, 4859 would be informed that he would be promoted to ARC Captain.

Not long after the battle, he would be grouped with some of the members of Domino Squad - Hevy, Fives, Echo, Arcee and Viper - who would also be undergoing their own ARC Trooper training. During this time, 4859 would strike up a conversation with both Arcee and Viper, during which he was able to learn of their past and what made them 'join' the Grand Army of the Republic (It should be worth noting that by now, nearly every single clone trooper and Jedi were aware of how both women became Clone Troopers in their own right, but very few knew of their past). During their talks, once 4859 explained how he was to become a member of Clone Intelligence and his combat experience with 4th Mountain Paratrooper Regiment, Viper said that he reminder her of an military officer who had a similar background. During his time away from training, 4859 would take time to learn about this officer in question, especially his experiences and, rather oddly, the officer's language. It would be thanks to this that 4859 had found his role model and his true nickname - Witold.

To that end, once his training to become an intelligence agent and ARC Trooper was completed, Witold decorated his armour in a unique way - due to the fact that he would be working on covert missions, Witold decorated his entire armour in nothing but black save for his Jaig Eyes on his helmet, his new nickname and a unique flag on his left shoulder plate and part of his birth number '4859' on his ARC Chest plate (which were all in different shades of grey). The only colour he took anywhere was on his visor, which was blue.

Once assigned to Clone Intelligence, Witold proved his worth time and time again, performing intelligence gathering on numerous planets in Separatist Space, covert reconnaissance on a number of worlds where the Republic and Jedi Order conducted missions or campaigns, which included providing some intel to the Citadel Strike Team on Lola Sayu and locating Umbaran Militia forces on Umbara (which included fighting alongside the 501st Legion when Krell was exposed as a traitor) and infiltrating Zygerria as a slave alongside Ahsoka during the Jedi's infiltration of the Zygerrian Slave Empire not long after the Umbaran Campaign. Despite the mission going sideways, Witold was able to maintain his cover and would end up on Kadavo alongside Obi-wan and Clone Captain CT-7567 'Rex', where he stayed close to them to help them survive the ordeal. In addition, Witold would once again work alongside Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi-wan and Rex during the Onderonian Civil War, at first training the Onderon Rebels, then later acting as a field commander alongside Ahsoka during the final battles. During his deployment on Onderon, Witold's developed a healthy respect for the Jedi Order.

After Order 66 was declared, during which he was deployed to Raxus Secundus performing covert recon, Witold disregarded the order, partly because there was no Jedi there and also because he'd refused to believe that the Jedi would be traitors to a Republic they served. Because of the chaos that came about with the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Armies, Order 66 and subsequent Flight to Ossus, Witold stayed on Raxus for the time being as it was a safe bet due to the current upheaval. This was a smart move, for it gave him the chance to observe what the new Galactic Empire would do on Raxus not long after the Clone Wars ended. In doing so, he would observe Clone Force 99, currently without Crosshair and working as mercenaries due to the chaos, arrive on the planet to rescue Raxus senator Avi Singh, and see how the Empire were now using Clone Troopers since the end of the war.

After waiting for nearly a year for things to stabilise and realising that the Jedi Order survived Order 66, Witold would finally make his way to Ossus (with some help from the 7929th Special Operations Team) and reintegrate himself with the Clone Troopers who hadn't turned on the Jedi the year prior, now known as the Jedi Loyalist Army. Once reporting in, Witold would go on to conduct covert reconnaissance and sabotage raids on his own in Imperial Space for a few months before being assigned his toughest mission ever in 12 BBY; posing as a slave again, infiltrate the Empire's slave labour force and find any intel to confirm the rumours of an Imperial Super weapon, codenamed 'Stardust'. Witold would spend nearly 4 years as part of the labour force working on the project, during which in that time, he created an underground resistance network to provide intelligence for the Jedi Order and, later, the Rebel Alliance, in addition to help the people who ended up as slaves on this project as best as they could with things like news from outside, extra rations, clothing and improve morale. However, once Witold was able to escape after 4 years, the Imperial Security Bureau was able to find many members of Witold's resistance group and execute them, the model that Witold created would be used later on by the survivors of the purge and who were transferred to other slave labour camps.

Since this ordeal, Witold has continued on fighting for the Jedi Order's Loyalist Army providing intelligence reports from his deployment areas in the galaxy, along with conducting sabotage raids and, if given the green light, has led various rebel forces across the galaxy on missions against the Empire - which has also seen Witold deployed to Lothal at one point. In addition, Witold's style of operating has been used as the basis for the formation of Clone Infiltration Teams, conducting both intelligence gathering, covert reconnaissance and sabotage raids, in addition to try and locate any Jedi who survived Order 66 but had not be able to find a way to contact the Order in order to make their way to Ossus - of which the 2509th Infiltration Squad (posing as the Empire's 19th Elite Squad) has had considerable success in the latter...

Well, first Clone Trooper I've done since the 295th Shock Troop Regiment last year, so let's get on with it!

While this trooper was inspired by the Sabaton song 'Inmate 4859', Witold is named in honour of the man who the song is about - Cpt. Witold Pilecki, Polish cavalry Captain, Intelligence Officer and Resistance Fighter and the only person who would volunteer to enter Auschwitz Concentration Camp in order to find out more about the camp.

Because of the unique actions that Witold Pilecki had undertaken during WWII, such as fighting against the German Offensive at the start of the war, formation of one of the first Polish Resistance organisations at the start of the German and Soviet Occupation (Tajna Armia Polska, TAP - Secret Polish Army, which would merge with the Home Army in 1941), infiltration of Auschwitz (in which, he was designated as inmate 4859 by the SS Guards) and formation of the Związek Organizacji Wojskowej (ZOW - Military Organisation Union) Resistance organisation within Auschwitz and even fighting on the streets during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, I've had to think hard about his armour design, as well as the bio in order to make sure it matched what he experienced, but within the lore of Star Wars.

In the end, I decided to mimic the colour scheme of my 105th ODST Division, which is mostly a very dark grey (if I used pure black, all detail on the armour would be lost), but I also incorporated the Polish Home Army flag onto the left shoulder pad, along with Witold's name in Aurebesh and on the ARC Trooper chest plate, I added '4859'. All of the markings seen here are in various shades of grey to help facilitate with infiltration. As for the bio, I hope I've done well to honour the man.

In addition, Witold here shares the same birthday of Witold Pilecki (13th May, 1901 - 13/05), but I decided to incorporate '4859' into the birth number here instead of '1901', for Sabaton did have a hand in influencing my choice of creating the ARC Trooper here, so it made sense to do this. Thus why Witold's birth number is '13/05-4859'.

Hope you all like it!


Lucasfilms/Disney - Owners of Star Wars.
EA GAMES/DICE - Owners of the ARC Trooper assets and weapons from Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)
Fisher - Making said ARC troopers models for Garry's Mod with said assets.
Sabaton - Inspiration for Witold's identity.
TheKayeman - Creation of his Among the Innocent image that he released on 21st November, 2020 (
Kommandant4298 - Creation of image and owner of character.
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Daniel-McKnight's avatar

Really good job. Is that a knife?