I act because it's fun.
I make music because I LOVE to.
I model because it pays the bills.
I wee note from Kojii's Facebook page that applies here too.
REMEMBER you CANNOT use the photos on this page for your own art without permission from the copyright owner ie, photographer, artist, client or Kojii.
You MUST seek permission before you manipulate, draw from, make a painting of, or post these images anywhere else.
Otherwise the copyright holder may seek legal action.
Please post a comment on the image you are considering or send a message to Kojii's inbox so we can help you find the copyright owner.
ALL artists deserve credit for their work.
We are grateful to those of you who did request permission thus far and created beautiful works of art.
Keep sharing the creativity!
Thank you!
Current Residence: Ireland and Los Angeles
deviantWEAR sizing preference: xs or sm
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Jazz, Metal... too many types to love
Favourite photographer: Cyril Helnwein
MP3 player of choice: I have a gramaphone
Shell of choice: this body
Wallpaper of choice: my daughter's scribbles on the wall.
Skin of choice: his on mine
Favourite cartoon character: popeye
Personal Quote: "question your headlines"