Skye RedesignKobaltSteel on DeviantArt

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Skye Redesign



Skye = :iconkobaltsteel:

A redesign I gave the old character of Skye, the companion character of Ricky Davidson in the game project, Crisis Central. For the most part, Skye will retain the same characterization as before, being a passionate feminist and environmentalist in college with an intensely passionate, stubborn, and super talkative personality. She's still Ricky's closest friend (with no romantic attraction), and is with Ricky when the two of them get in trouble with the law and join a left-wing militia group. She's basically just Ricky's polar opposite, but with the only difference from her old self being that she's a less cutesy character, being more provocative, tomboyish, and flirtatious compared to her old personality.

Her new design is similar, but features a ponytails, in order to get away from the blob hair I've given characters before and grown to dislike. On top of that, her blue pants were replaced with standard jeans, because I feel that would better match the nature girl feel of the character, though I did give her blue lips and eyeshadow because I like that look.
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