Aeliana Frost 15koalakoker on DeviantArt

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Aeliana Frost 15



Name: Aeliana Frost

Appearance: Aeliana Frost is a striking young individual with an intense and captivating presence. Her pale complexion accentuates her sharp facial features, including high cheekbones and piercing, almost hypnotic eyes. Dark makeup further intensifies her gaze, giving her an enigmatic and somewhat haunting look. Her hair, styled in long, lion's mane dreadlocks, is a dramatic blend of black and white, creating a stark and memorable contrast. She wears a sleek, black outfit with a high collar and a zipper, embodying an edgy and gothic aesthetic. The background of the portrait features a blend of grey and black tones, enhancing the overall dark and moody atmosphere of the artwork.

Background Story: Aeliana Frost grew up in the desolate outskirts of a sprawling, dystopian metropolis. Her parents, both brilliant scientists, were tragically lost in a lab explosion when she was only ten, leaving her to navigate the harsh realities of the world on her own. Fueled by a desire for answers and justice, Aeliana delved into the underground, becoming a skilled hacker and information broker. Her unique appearance often made her a target, but she learned to use it to her advantage, blending her intelligence with her striking look to manipulate and intimidate those who crossed her path.

Aeliana's motivations are deeply personal. She seeks to uncover the truth behind her parents' deaths, believing it was no accident but a calculated move by powerful figures in the city. Her journey is one of self-discovery, revenge, and the pursuit of knowledge. Along the way, she encounters various allies and enemies, each adding to the complexity of her quest.


  1. Uncovering the Truth: Determined to find out what really happened to her      parents.

  2. Justice and Revenge: Seeking to bring      down those responsible for her parents' deaths.

  3. Knowledge and Power: Continuously      learning and growing to protect herself and further her goals.

  4. Survival: Navigating the dangerous      world she lives in with wit and skill.


  • Intelligence: 9/10 (Highly      knowledgeable and resourceful)

  • Strength: 6/10 (Physically      capable but relies more on agility and cunning)

  • Agility: 8/10 (Quick and      nimble, able to navigate urban environments with ease)

  • Charisma: 7/10 (Can be both      intimidating and persuasive when needed)

  • Endurance: 7/10 (Resilient      and able to withstand physical and emotional challenges)

  • Hacking      Skills:      10/10 (Master hacker, able to infiltrate the most secure systems)

  • Combat      Skills:      7/10 (Proficient in self-defense and basic weaponry)

Aeliana Frost is a complex and multifaceted character, driven by a mix of pain, determination, and an unquenchable thirst for the truth. Her journey through the dark and moody world she inhabits is as much about personal growth as it is about uncovering hidden secrets and seeking justice.

Image size
1766x2688px 1.53 MB
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