Which Where is That Way (Alice in Wonderland)KnoxRobbins on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/knoxrobbins/art/Which-Where-is-That-Way-Alice-in-Wonderland-858388281KnoxRobbins

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Which Where is That Way (Alice in Wonderland)

Character  Alice in WonderlandCharacter  Cheshire CatLocation  Wonderland Woods


Alice in Wonderland! In animation classes years ago we were assigned to animate and interpret a voice track from the Disney movie. Now years later her I am again interpreting Disney’s Alice thru artwork instead. Progress on this was paused during Spring and Summer this year from remote job commitments and other art I wanted to focus on first, so this piece for the year was more or less overdue in my mind.

If I was going to do an Alice piece I felt like referencing and emulating the design style of Mary Blair, a Disney concept artist who production designed several films including Alice. Maybe I might’ve over-detailed and given too much added linework considering the art reference I had to the side, but what can I do I’m a blowhard who gets lost trying to figure out detail towards the end of things.

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2806x3000px 5.38 MB
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Jackurai's avatar

Wow! Great illustration of Alice!  Could be in a book ^^