Favourite Visual Artist
No one in particular
Favourite Movies
"My name is Khan", "The Lion King", "Windtalkers"
Favourite TV Shows
"Bulgaria's got talent", "Braniac", "Battle of the beasts", "The Comedians"
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Within Temptation, Hans Zimmer, X-ray Dogs, Audiomachine, Brand X Music
Favourite Books
"Three comrades", "Anna Karenina", "The dead zone"
Favourite Writers
Peyo Yavorov (bulgarian poet), Erich Maria Remarque, Stephen King
Favourite Games
Long live the queen, The Sims 3, DOTA 2, Naruto UNS
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Pencils or Photoshop, depends
Other Interests
Drawing, writing, reading