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Leona: The Queen Of Masked Fighters“Reports have come in that the NESTS organisation has a base located in the Amazon rainforests of Peru. Your task is to locate the base, infiltrate and aquire any information you can from their computers and destroy the base.” Leona kept hearing the voice of her adopted father Heidern as she made her way through the forest floor, silently cursing the orders she’d been given and wondering just how much Heidern had been affected by having to kill the clone of Ling after the real Ling had been killed and then impersonated by Zero. Quite a bit it seemed; Heidern still seemed as cold and calculating as ever, but bring the NESTS Organisation into anything and he would follow the leads with an almost obsessive zeal.
Still, orders were orders, however much she didn’t like it, so she and the other Ikari Warriors had been shipped to the Amazon rainforest where they were now traipsing between the trees, Whip letting loose the occasional disgusted sound a